
Some useful additions to the Julia Test Standard Library
Author Jutho
7 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2020


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This package adds useful additions to the functionality provided by Test, the Julia standard library for writing tests.

What's new in version 0.2

  • The way in which @constinferred defines a new function has been changed so as to avoid "method overwrite" warnings in Julia v1.10 and higher.
  • Since Julia v1.8, the default Test.@testset prints elapsed timings of tests, thereby replicating the behaviour of @timedtestset and making the latter superfluous. However, @timedtestset and its associated test set type TimedTestSet remains available in TestExtras.jl in order to support older Julia versions. It is now a literal copy of the DefaultTestSet implementation as in the Test standard library of Julia 1.8 and thus also supports the verbose keyword.

Short description of the package

The first feature of TestExtras.jl is a macro @constinferred, which is a replacement of Test.@inferred but with two major differences.

  1. Unlike Test.@inferred, the comparison between the actual and inferred runtype is a proper test which contributes to the total number of passed or failed tests.

  2. Unlike Test.@inferred, @constinferred will test whether the return value of a function call can be inferred in combination with constant propagation. For @inferred, both @inferred f(3, ...) and x=3; @inferred f(x, ...) will yield the same result, based on probing Base.return_types(f,(Int,...)). In contrast @constinferred f(3,...) will wrap the function call in a new function in which the value 3 is hard-coded, and test whether the return type of this wrapper function can be inferred, so as to let constant propagation do its work. This is true for all arguments (positional and keyword) whose value is a literal constants of type Integer, Char or Symbol. Generic arguments will instead also be arguments to the wrapper function and will thus not trigger constant propagation. However, sometimes it is useful to test for successful constant propagation of a certain variable, even though you want to keep it as a symbol in the test, for example because you want to loop over possible values. In that case, you can interpolate the value into the @constinferred expression.

Some example is probably more insightful. We define a new function mysqrt that is type-unstable with respect to real values of the argument x, at least if the keyword argument complex = true.

julia> using Test, TestExtras

julia> mysqrt(x; complex = true) = x >= 0 ? sqrt(x) : (complex ? im*sqrt(-x) : throw(DomainError(x, "Enable complex return values to take square roots of negative numbers")))
mysqrt (generic function with 1 method)

julia> x = 3.

julia> @inferred mysqrt(x)
ERROR: return type Float64 does not match inferred return type Union{Complex{Float64}, Float64}
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] top-level scope at REPL[5]:1

julia> @inferred mysqrt(3.)
ERROR: return type Float64 does not match inferred return type Union{Complex{Float64}, Float64}
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] top-level scope at REPL[6]:1

julia> @inferred mysqrt(-3.)
ERROR: return type Complex{Float64} does not match inferred return type Union{Complex{Float64}, Float64}
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] top-level scope at REPL[7]:1

julia> @inferred mysqrt(x; complex = false)
ERROR: return type Float64 does not match inferred return type Union{Complex{Float64}, Float64}
 [1] error(::String) at ./error.jl:33
 [2] top-level scope at REPL[8]:1

julia> @constinferred mysqrt(x)
Test Failed at REPL[10]:1
  Expression: @constinferred mysqrt(x)
   Evaluated: Float64 != Union{Complex{Float64}, Float64}
ERROR: There was an error during testing

julia> @constinferred mysqrt($x)

julia> @constinferred mysqrt(3.)

julia> @constinferred mysqrt(-3.)
0.0 + 1.7320508075688772im

julia> @constinferred mysqrt(x; complex = false)

Note, firstly, that the case where @constinferred detects that the return type cannot be inferred for a general argument of type Float64, it reports the error as an actual test failure rather than a generic error. Secondly, note that while the @constinferred macro seems to work for all versions of Julia from version 1 onwards, the result can depend on the specific Julia version, as changes in the compiler affect constant propagation. In particular, the constant propagation for the keyword argument in the last test only leads to an inferred return type on Julia 1.5 (and beyond?).

The second feature of TestExtras.jl is a new type of TestSet, namely TimedTestSet, which is essentially a backport of the the Test.DefaultTestSet of Julia v1.8 (but it dates back to before it existed in the Test standard library). In particular, the difference with the Test.DefaultTestSet on older Julia versions is that it also prints the total time it took to execute the test set, together with the number of passed, failed and broken tests. While this service should not be used as a finetuned performance regression detection mechanism, it can provide a first hint of possible regressions in case there is a significant discrepancy in the time of a testset in comparison to previous runs. There is a simple macro @timedtestset to facilitate using this testset. The name TimedTestSet is itself not exported, so one either does

using Test, TestExtras
@timedtestset "some optional name" begin


using Test, TestExtras
using TestExtras: TimedTestSet
@testset TimedTestSet "some optional name" begin