
Author tkf
0 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
August 2021


A rather hacky solution to define tests in a package. In particular, this package takes care of some ugly details for dealing with:

  • doctest (or any eval-based testing)
  • tests that require loading test code for Distributed.jl

This package is aiming at a clear separation of test definition and test execution phases.

Quick start

To create a Pkg.test-compatible test entry point test/runtests.jl:

  1. Create a package at test/$TestPackageName/ (i.e., there are test/$TestPackageName/Project.toml and test/$TestPackageName/src/$TestPackageName.jl).

  2. Write tests as functions that takes no argument and the name starting with test_. Use Test.@test etc. as usual to assert the result.

  3. Create test/runtests.jl with the following code:

    using TestFunctionRunner

Note: Test dependencies must be listed in both test/Project.toml and test/$TestPackageName/Project.toml.

Test package or its sub-modules can also be executed using TestFunctionRunner.run(module).

Defining tests

Following hooks/callbacks can be defined in test modules; i.e., modules whose name start with Test followed by a capital letter.



A function defines a test if:

  • its name is test or its name start with test_, and
  • takes no arguments


A function named module_context defines the module context. It can be used to define setup and teardown for entire module and sub-module:

function module_context(f)

where f is the function that runs the test functions of this module and its sub-modules.



A function named timeout_of can be used to customize timeout (in seconds) for each test function. Returning nothing means to fallback to the global configuration.


If a function named should_test_module exists and return false, all the tests in the module and sub-modules are not tested.


If a function named before_test_module exists, it is called before start running the test inside this module.


If a function named after_test_module exists, it is called after running the test inside this module.

Running tests

Common options

TestFunctionRunner.@run and TestFunctionRunner.run support the following options:



Timeout (in seconds) for each test function. If the function takes more time than the specified limit, entire julia process that is running the test will be terminated. TestFunctionRunner.jl tries to print stack trace if possible.

Note: This works only in Unix systems.

Environment variable TEST_FUNCTION_RUNNER_JL_TIMEOUT can be used for setting the default value of timeout. Function and macro arguments overrides the environment variable.



If true, stop running the test upon the first failure.

Environment variable TEST_FUNCTION_RUNNER_JL_FASTFAIL can be used for setting the default value of failfast. Function and macro arguments overrides the environment variable. Values true, yes and 1 (case insensitive) are treated as true.

@run options


Additional load paths. Relative paths are resolved with respect to the parent directory of the current file. Example: TestFunctionRunner.@run(paths = ["../benchmark/MyBenchmarks/"]).


Specify packages to be tested by relative file paths; i.e., directories that contain Project.toml or JuliaProject.toml. A package at @__DIR__/$TestPackage/src/$TestPackage.jl is tested if not specified.

Used By Packages

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