
Making testing your code slightly less painful, hopefully.
Author curtd
10 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
April 2023


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TestingUtilities provides macros for improving the visibility into your failing tests.



An expression invoking @Test outputs the value of (automatically-determined) variables of interest when the underlying test errors or fails. E.g.,

    x = 1
    @Test x^2 == 2

Sample output:

    Test `x ^ 2 == 2` failed with values:
    `x ^ 2` = 1
    x = 1
    Test Failed at REPL[278]:1
     Expression: x ^ 2 == 2
      Evaluated: false

This macro can handle a number of more complicated combinations of Julia expressions, e.g.,

    test_parity(a; is_odd::Bool) = mod(a,2) == (is_odd ? 1 : 0)
    A = collect(1:10)
    all_is_odd = (false, true)
    @Test all([test_parity(a; is_odd) for a in A for is_odd in all_is_odd])

Sample output:

    Test `all([test_parity(a; is_odd) for a = A for is_odd = all_is_odd])` failed with values:
    `[test_parity(a; is_odd) for a = A for is_odd = all_is_odd]` = Bool[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
    A = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

No values are printed when the test passes.


The @test_cases macro allows you to compactly evaluate test expressions on test cases with the same underlying data fields, but differing values. The values of the specific test cases that cause each test expression to fail will be printed, similar to @Test.

If run as a standalone macro invocation, the tests will terminate at the first instance of failure, e.g.,

    @test_cases begin 
        a | b | output 
        1 | 2 | 3
        1 | 2 | 4
        0 | 0 | 1
        0 | 0 | -1
        @test a + b == output

Sample output:

    Test `a + b == output` failed with values:
    `a + b` = 3
    output = 4
    a = 1
    b = 2

When run inside a @testset, all of the failing test values will be printed

    @testset "Failing Test" begin
       @test_cases begin 
            a | b | output 
            1 | 2 | 3
            1 | 2 | 4
            0 | 0 | 1
            0 | 0 | -1
            @test a + b == output

Sample output:

    Test `a + b == output` failed with values:
    `a + b` = 3
    output = 4
    a = 1
    b = 2
    `a + b` = 0
    output = 1
    a = 0
    b = 0
    `a + b` = 0
    output = -1
    a = 0
    b = 0


The @test_eventually is used to test that a given test expression eventually returns true (i.e., passes within a prescribed timeout). You can use it to test, for instance, that blocking expressions eventually return within a given time limit or will throw a TestTimedOutException in your test set instead.

    @testset "Timing Out Test" begin
        done = Ref(false)
        f = (done)->(while !done[]; sleep(0.1) end; true)
        # Times out after 1s, checking every 10ms that a value has not returned
        @test_eventually timeout=1s sleep=10ms f(done)
        # Test passes within the allotted timeout
        g = @async (sleep(0.3); done[] = true)
        @test_eventually timeout=1s sleep=10ms f(done)

Sample output:

    Test `f(done)` failed:
    Reason: Test took longer than 1000 milliseconds to pass
    done = Base.RefValue{Bool}(false)
    Timing Out Test: Error During Test at REPL[133]:6
    Test threw exception
    Expression: f(done)
    Test Summary:   | Pass  Error  Total  Time
    Timing Out Test |    1      1      2  1.5s
    ERROR: Some tests did not pass: 1 passed, 0 failed, 1 errored, 0 broken.

Equality-Comparison Tests

If your test (using either of the above two macros) involves comparing the equality of two values x::T and y::T, if T is one of the types specified below, a failing test will show a nicely formatted message outlining the specific differences between them.


If x and y are of type AbstractString, a failing test will show the common prefix of these strings (if present) printed in green, followed by the differing components of each string in red. E.g.,

Two strings whose common prefix is shown in green and whose differing suffixes are shown in red

If you're unable to discern colour differences between green + red, you can set the styles of the displayed differences using the TestingUtilities.set_show_diff_styles(; matching, differing) method. The keyword arguments can be set to any key => value pair accepted by Base.printstyled, e.g.,

Two strings whose common prefix is shown in boldface and whose differing suffixes are shown as underlined


If x and y are of type AbstractDataFrame, a failing test will show the reason that the two dataframes are not equal. E.g.,

  • x and y do not have the same columns Two dataframes with differing columns

  • x and y have differing number of rows Two dataframes with differing number of rows

  • x and y have the same number of rows and the same columns, but differing values Two dataframes with differing values

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