
Test the code-contents of a README file for a Julia project automatically
Author thchr
7 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


Build status Coverage

This package provides a macro @test_readme path which extracts all Julia code snippets of the following form

julia> input

from a file at path, comparing repr(MIME(text/plain), input) against output for each such input-output pair.

The purpose of TestReadme.jl is two-fold:

  1. Automatically turn README examples into unit tests.
  2. Ensure that README examples stay synced with package functionality.

Additional @test_readme details:

  • If omitted, path defaults to (@__DIR__)/../README.md (i.e., default Julia project structure).
  • If no output is featured in the code snippet, it is simply tested that input evaluates without error.
  • If evaluation of the README code snippets requires specific packages, load them before calling @test_readme.
  • Results are aggregated in a single @testset, named "README tests".

Example: README snippets tested by @test_readme

The following code snippets form part of the test suite of TestReadme.jl itself (see /test/runtests.jl).

A basic test of math output:

julia> cos(π)
julia> sum([1,2,3])

A test of string outputs:

julia> join(["abc", "xyz"], " and ")
"abc and xyz"

It is also possible to chain commands and define variables; a variable defined in one code snippet is in scope throughout a @test_readme call:

julia> x = 2
julia> x += 3
julia> x

Similarly, a single

julia> begin
y = 2
z = y+x
julia> exp(z)

Inspecting extracted code-snippets

The extracted input-output pairs can be obtained and inspected via parse_readme(path):

julia> m = TestReadme # pick your module
julia> path = joinpath(pkgdir(m), "README.md")
julia> input_outputs = parse_readme(path)

With the last line here printing (not included as output in the above above to avoid recursive madness):

11-element Vector{InputOutput}:
 :(cos(π))  -1.0
 :(sum([1, 2, 3]))  6
 :(join(["abc", "xyz"], " and "))  "abc and xyz"
 :(x = 2)  2
 :(x += 3)  ""
 :(x)  5
 :(begin\n y = 2\n z = y + x\n end)  7
 :(exp(z))  1096.6331584284585
 :(m = TestReadme)  ""
 :(path = joinpath(pkgdir(m), "README.md"))  ""
 :(input_outputs = parse_readme(path))  ""