Thunks.jl provides a simple implementation of a
Thunk for lazy computation, and a
sophisticated macro @lazy
that rewrites arbitrary Julia expressions for
a lazy evaluation strategy.
A thunk represents a computation that is not run until we reify
meaning make "real". Once reified, the thunk caches the value of the
computation. The core implementation is only 30 LOC, so
consider taking a peak. Most of the complexity lies in the @lazy
which supports lazy evaluation of nearly any Julia expression, including
dot broadcasting, indexing, keyword arguments, if blocks, comprehensions, and
more. Thunks can be composed, meaning that you can transform existing julia
code for lazy evaluation just by prepending @lazy
The implementation approximates laziness in pure functional languages like Haskell: a memoizing call-by-need. This means that a computation captured in a thunk is run 0 or 1 times, with subsequent calls re-using ("sharing") the result of the previous evaluation.
julia> ] add Thunks
Note that the below example will execute nearly instantly due to laziness, whereas the eager equivalent would take a minute.
w = thunk(sleep)(60)
x = thunk(identity)(2)
# equivalent to line above
y = @lazy identity(2)
# also equivalent
@lazy yy = identity(2)
z = thunk(+)(x, y)
@assert z.evaluated == false
@assert reify(z) == 4
@assert z.evaluated == true
@assert w.evaluated == false
The @lazy
macro also supports code blocks:
@lazy begin
w = sleep(60)
a = 2
b = 3
c = 1
abc = sum([a,b,c])
@assert typeof(w) == Thunk
@assert typeof(a) == Int
@assert typeof(abc) == Thunk
@assert reify(abc) == 6
aims to support arbitrary Julia expressions:
test() = (1,2,3)
@lazy begin
a = true ? (()-> ones(5))() : zeros(5)
b = a .+ a
c = collect(1:b[3]*5)[7:end]
d = identity(6)
e = [x[1:2] for x in repeat([repeat([d], 3)],3)]
@assert reify(c) == [7,8,9,10]
@assert e.evaluated == false
@assert all(sum(reify(e)) .== [18, 18])
@assert e.evaluated == true
More usage examples can be seen in the tests.
Currently, using @lazy
on nested blocks is not supported.
Thunks.jl is inspired by the Thunk implementation of the fantastic Dagger.jl and is intended as a lightweight, more performant alternative without the scheduling capabilities.