
Allows Components to be written into memory for faster serving.
Author ChifiSource
4 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
June 2022

dead repo

ToolipsMemWrite is deprecated in favor of easier extension loading and Component composure.

  • ( This project can still be used with Toolips 0.2. )
  • Documentation
  • Toolips
  • Extension Gallery
    Writes Components into memory and can also save serialized Component Vectors automatically. Writing to memory is done with the memwrite! function. This function can also be used inside of a conditional.
using Toolips
using ToolipsMemWrite

function myroute(c::Connection)
    mycomp = divider("mydivider", align = "center")
    myp = p("myp", text = "hello world!")
    push!(mycomp, myp)
    othercomp = a("othercomp", text = "othercomp")
    # Saved:
    memwrite!(c, mycomp)
    # Not saved:
    write!(c, othercomp)

st = ServerTemplate(extensions = [Logger(), ComponentMemory()])

This approach is alright, but still puts CPU power towards writing the Components. It is way better to instead use memwrite! with write set to false first, then use memwrite! normally. You can follow this with a return, which breaks the function pipeline and ceases the writing of the function.

using Toolips
using ToolipsMemWrite

function myroute(c::Connection)
    if memwrite!(c, "mydivider", write = false)
        memwrite!(c, "mydivider")
    mycomp = divider("mydivider", align = "center")
    myp = p("myp", text = "hello world!")
    push!(mycomp, myp)
    othercomp = a("othercomp", text = "othercomp")
    memwrite!(c, mycomp)

st = ServerTemplate(extensions = [Logger(), ComponentMemory()])

You can also use the same techniques with diskwrite!.

using Toolips
using ToolipsMemWrite

function myroute(c::Connection)
    if diskwrite!(c, "mydivider", write = false)
        diskwrite!(c, "mydivider")
    mycomp = divider("mydivider", align = "center")
    myp = p("myp", text = "hello world!")
    push!(mycomp, myp)
    othercomp = a("othercomp", text = "othercomp")
    diskwrite!(c, mycomp)

st = ServerTemplate(extensions = [Logger(), ComponentMemory()])

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