Julia package for storing large triangular or symmetric matrices in non-redundant format.
is a subtype of AbstractMatrix
which stores only the values on one side of the
diagonal, thus reducing the memory required by about half.
The data is stored in an underlying 1D array.
It is intended for large matrices where the amount of memory saved is significant.
julia> A = rand(1000, 1000);
julia> A += A' # Make symmetric;
julia> Base.summarysize(A) # Number of bytes A occupies in memory - about 8MB
julia> using TriMatrices
julia> A2 = TriMatrix(TriSymmetric(), A);
julia> summary(stdout, A2)
100×100 TriMatrix{Int64,TriSymmetric{true},Array{Int64,1}}
julia> A == A2 # Arrays contain the same elements
juilia> Base.summarysize(A2) # About 4MB