A Julia package for converting non-uniform Tuple
s into a Tuple
of NTuple
This package allows users to effectively index into a non-homogeneous tuple with dynamic indexes in a type-stable (and gpu-friendly) way, assuming that the given tuple can be transformed a-priori into a TupleOfNTuples
. Here is an example:
import TuplesOfNTuples as ToNT
function example!(dtup, f, N::Int, counter)
for i in 1:N # cannot be unrolled
c = ToNT.inner_dispatch(f, dtup, i)
c(counter) # effectively calls f(tup[i], counter)
# This unrolls to:
# if hasindex(tup.sparse_ntuples[1], i)
# fun(tup.sparse_ntuples[1][i], args...)
# elseif hasindex(tup.sparse_ntuples[2], i)
# fun(tup.sparse_ntuples[2][i], args...)
# elseif ...
# end
# where tup.sparse_ntuples[j][i] is equivalent to tup[i]
# Two important points about this design are:
# - tup.sparse_ntuples[1] is inferred, because 1 is not a dynamic index
# - tup.sparse_ntuples[1][i] is inferred, because tup.sparse_ntuples[1] an NTuple
return nothing
struct Foo1 end
struct Foo2 end
struct Foo3 end
struct Foo4 end
function f!(::Foo1, counter)
counter[1] += 1
return nothing
function f!(::Foo2, counter)
counter[1] += 100
return nothing
function f!(::Foo3, counter)
counter[1] += 1000
return nothing
function f!(::Foo4, counter)
counter[1] += 10000
return nothing
tup = (Foo1(), Foo2(), Foo3(), Foo4())
dtup = ToNT.TupleOfNTuples(tup)
counter = Int[0]
example!(dtup, f!, length(tup), counter)
using Test
@test counter[1] == sum((1, 100, 1000, 10000))
id = ToNT.inner_dispatch(f!, dtup, 1)
@inferred id(counter)