This package serves as an interface between Turing.jl and MonteCarloMeasurements.jl. Turing, as a probabilistic programming language and MCMC inference engine, produces results in the form of a Chain
, a type that internally contains all the samples produced during inference. This chain is a bit awkward to work with in its natural form, why this package exists and allows for the conversion of a chain to a named tuple of Particles
from MonteCarloMeasurements.jl.
In this example, we simulate a review process where a number of reviewers are assigning scores to a number of articles. The generation of the data and the model specification are hidden under the collapsed section below.
Generate fake data and specify a model
using Turing, Distributions, Plots, Turing2MonteCarloMeasurements
nr = 5 # Number of reviewers
na = 10 # Number of articles
reviewer_bias = rand(Normal(0,1), nr)
article_score = rand(Normal(0,2), na)
R = clamp.([rand(Normal(r+a, 0.1)) for r in reviewer_bias, a in article_score], -5, 5)
Rmask = rand(Bool, size(R))
R = Rmask .* R
R = replace(Rmask, 0=>missing) .* R
m = @model reviewscore(R,nr,na) = begin
reviewer_bias = Array{Real}(undef, nr)
reviewer_gain = Array{Real}(undef, nr)
true_article_score = Array{Real}(undef, na)
reviewer_pop_bias ~ Normal(0,1)
reviewer_pop_gain ~ Normal(1,1)
for i = 1:nr
reviewer_bias[i] ~ Normal(reviewer_pop_bias,1)
reviewer_gain[i] ~ Normal(reviewer_pop_gain,1)
for j = 1:na
true_article_score[j] ~ Normal(0,2.5)
rσ ~ TruncatedNormal(1,10,0,100)
for j = 1:na
for i = 1:nr
R[i,j] ~ Normal(reviewer_bias[i] + true_article_score[j] + reviewer_gain[i]*true_article_score[j], rσ)
We now focus on how to analyze the inference result. The chain is easily converted using the function Particles
julia> chain = sample(reviewscore(R,nr,na), HMC(0.05, 10), 1500);
julia> cp = Particles(chain, crop=500); # crop discards the first 500 samples
julia> cp.reviewer_pop_bias
Part1000(0.2605 ± 0.72)
julia> cp.reviewer_pop_gain
Part1000(0.1831 ± 0.62)
Particles can be plotted
plot(cp.reviewer_pop_bias, title="Reviewer population bias")
f1 = bar(article_score, lab="Data", xlabel="Article number", ylabel="Article score", xticks=1:na)
errorbarplot!(1:na, cp.true_article_score, 0.8, seriestype=:scatter)
f2 = bar(reviewer_bias, lab="Data", xlabel="Reviewer number", ylabel="Reviewer bias")
errorbarplot!(1:nr, cp.reviewer_bias, seriestype=:scatter, xticks=1:nr)
The linear-regression tutorial for Turing contains instructions on how to do prediction using the inference result. In the tutorial, the posterior mean of the parameters is used to form the prediction. Using Particles
, we can instead form the prediction using the entire posterior distribution.
Like above, we hide the data generation under a collapsable section.
Generate fake data
using Turing, Turing2MonteCarloMeasurements, Distributions, MonteCarloMeasurements
coefficients = randn(5)
x = randn(30, 5)
y = x * coefficients .+ 1 .+ 0.4 .* randn.()
sI = sortperm(y)
y = y[sI]
x = x[sI,:]
@model linear_regression(x, y, n_obs, n_vars) = begin
# Set variance prior.
σ₂ ~ TruncatedNormal(0,100, 0, Inf)
# Set intercept prior.
intercept ~ Normal(0, 3)
# Set the priors on our coefficients.
coefficients = Array{Real}(undef, n_vars)
for i in 1:n_vars
coefficients[i] ~ Normal(0, 10)
# Calculate all the mu terms.
mu = intercept .+ x * coefficients
for i = 1:n_obs
y[i] ~ Normal(mu[i], σ₂)
n_obs, n_vars = size(x)
model = linear_regression(x, y, n_obs, n_vars)
chain = sample(model, NUTS(0.65), 2500);
In order to form the prediction, the original tutorial did
function prediction(chain, x)
p = get_params(chain[200:end, :, :])
α = mean(p.intercept)
β = collect(mean.(p.coefficients))
return α .+ x * β
we will instead do
cp = Particles(chain, crop=500)
ŷ = x*cp.coefficients .+ cp.intercept
plot(y, lab="data"); plot!(ŷ)
bar(coefficients, lab="True coeffs", title="Coefficients")
errorbarplot!(1:n_vars, cp.coefficients, seriestype=:bar, alpha=0.5)
plot(plot.(cp.coefficients)..., legend=false)
vline!(coefficients', l=(3,), lab="True value")