
Author bankofcanada
7 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2020


This project contains a list of tutorials demonstrating the use of StateSpaceEcon group of Julia packages. Each tutorial is in its own subdirectory. They are meant to run in a Julia REPL session running in the root directory of the project (which is what happens in VSCode), not in the subdirectory of the specific tutorial.


The tutorials are designed to run in the Julia environment in the root of the project. Before the first use, make sure to instantiate the environment.

] activate .
] instantiate

After that, make sure the environment is active when you run the tutorial codes.

List of tutorials

Each tutorial is in its own subdirectory containing a main.jl and main.md in addition to other files. The two main files contain the same code and explanations. If running the tutorial code yourself, you should use the .jl file.