NOTE: This package is deprecated. On Julia 0.7 or higher, use reinterpret
Julia allows you to create arrays from a pointer to a memory buffer,
but an Array{T}
requires a pointer that is a multiple of
. This package allows you to create an AbstractArray
element type T
even when the pointer lacks proper alignment.
Usage example: memory mapping
A common usage might be memory mapping, using Julia's Mmap.mmap
functionality. Let's create a fake file format with the following
- magic bytes "BIGARRAY" followed a newline
- the number of dimensions in the array
- the size of the array
- the data of the array (always
The rub is that the data will always start with an odd offset, because
the magic bytes (plus the newline) total 9 bytes, and the dimension
information always adds an even number of types. As a consequence, the
memory buffer is not properly aligned for Float64
(which requires
the pointer address to be a multiple of 8) and consequently ordinary
operations will fail.
To try this out, first let's write such a file:
open("/tmp/testfile.bga", "w") do io
write(io, "BIGARRAY\n")
A = [1.0 2.0;
3.0 4.0]
write(io, ndims(A))
for s in size(A)
write(io, s)
write(io, A)
Now let's create a format reader (note that the best way to define a new format is using FileIO, but for simplicity we'll keep things very low level):
function reader(io)
String(read(io, 9)) == "BIGARRAY\n" || error("file is not a BIGARRAY file")
n = read(io, Int) # read the number of dimensions
sz = (read(io, Int, n)...) # read the size
# Mmap the buffer:
a = Mmap.mmap(io, Vector{UInt8}, sizeof(Float64)*prod(sz), position(io))
# Create an array of the desired eltype and size:
v = UnalignedVector{Float64}(a)
reshape(v, sz)
The key thing to note about this implementation is that we mmap
the buffer as a Vector{UInt8}
; had we tried a Vector{Float64}
more recent versions of Julia would have given us an error that would
look something like this:
ERROR: ArgumentError: unsafe_wrap: pointer 0x7f89817ae021 is not properly aligned to 8 bytes
[1] #mmap#1(::Bool, ::Bool, ::Function, ::IOStream, ::Type{Array{Float64,2}}, ::Tuple{Int64,Int64}, ::Int64) at ./mmap.jl:139
[2] mmap(::IOStream, ::Type{Array{Float64,2}}, ::Tuple{Int64,Int64}, ::Int64) at ./mmap.jl:102
[3] reader(::IOStream) at ./REPL[4]:5
[4] open(::##5#6, ::String) at ./iostream.jl:152
In contrast, since UInt8
has an alignment of 1, it's always safe for mmap
To create the array with desired element type, the
call creates an
out of the memory buffer, which we then
reshape to the desired size. If you want to try this, just read the file with
B = open("/tmp/testfile.bga") do io
and you should see that B == A