
Author mkitti
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Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
January 2023


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Undefs.jl is a convenience and educational package for constructing and working with Julia Arrays with undefined elements. This package is not intended for production code.

I strongly urge you to seek alternatives which may be as performant as the methods provided in this package while being as effective and supported. In particular, consider ArrayAllocators.zeros or ArrayAllocators.calloc if you need fast and safe array initialization. If you are interested in resetting an element to #undef, consider using a Union{T,Nothing} instead as an element type and using nothing to "unset" elements. The alternatives are discussed in more detail below.

undefs array construction

The standard syntax in Julia for creating an array with undefined elements, also called an "empty array" in some languages, is the following.

T = Int64
dims = (3, 4)
A = Array{T}(undef, dims)
B = Array{T}(undef, 4, 5)
C = Array{Float64}(undef, 4, 5)

This package implements the method undefs that allows you to do the same as above via the following syntax.

using Undefs
A = undefs(Int64, (3, 4))
B = undefs(Int64, 4, 5)
C = undefs(4, 5) # uses a Float64 element type

This package is for convenience only. I recommend using the standard syntax over using this package or seeking alternatives (see below). The standard syntax allows you to construct other types of arrays and or other similar parameterized types in a similar fashion. Alternatives may be as performant and safer to use than this package.

Alternatives to undefs array construction

undefs, while convenient, can be treacherous. Novices may easily confuse the method with producing a similar result to zeros, which eagerly and explicitly fills the array with zeros. undefs makes no guarantee what the resulting array will contain. Used incorrectly, undefs can lead to incorrect code that may not be easily detectable since undefs often returns arrays with all zero values.

Often, the motivation for reaching for undefs or Array{T}(undef, ...) is performance. However, there are methods to achieve this while avoiding the pitfalls of using undefs. For example, ArrayAllocators.jl provides several alternative mechanisms to obtaining zeroed arrays that may provide similar performance to use Undefs.undefs.

julia> using Undefs, ArrayAllocators

# Some warmup may be required here

julia> @time ArrayAllocators.zeros(Int, 2048, 2048);
  0.000025 seconds (3 allocations: 32.000 MiB)

julia> @time Array{Int}(calloc, 2048, 2048);
  0.000028 seconds (3 allocations: 32.000 MiB)

julia> @time undefs(Int, 2048, 2048);
  0.000046 seconds (2 allocations: 32.000 MiB)

Discussion of undefs

The desire for a method called undefs originates from the existence of similar methods such as zeros, ones, trues, and falses. These are convenience methods that eagerly allocate and initialize the arrays they construct. Array construction via Array{T}(undef, dims) outperforms these methods because it does not do any array initialization. The resulting array may be full of arbitrary values. At times this can deceiving because the returned element values may be all zeros early in a Julia session. This behavior cannot be consistently relied upon as subsequent invocations will yield arrays filled with values other than zero. Arrays allocated in this manner can be eagerly initialized via the fill! method. fill! is used to implement the convenience methods.

The syntax Array{T}(undef, dims) allows for the selection of an array type, an element type, and the dimensions of the array. It also clearly indicates that the values will be undefined. Critics of this syntax may find it verbose. In particular, the introduction of curly braces for the array element type parameter may be unfamiliar to new users of Julia and contrasts with the simplicity of the convenience methods mentioned earlier that use a procedural syntax common among many programming languages. Those convenience methods assume a default array type, Array, and a default element type, Float64, reducing the verbosity. An undefs method could make similar assumptions as it does here.

The arguments for not including an undefs method in Base include introducing the type parameter syntax, discouraging use of uninitialized arrays by new users of Julia, and encouarging the consideration of other array types. The arguments contrast with the continued existence of the convenience methods, which may be less performant.

This package exports the convenience method undefs to advance the conversation on this topic while also leading users to the supported alternatives. By providing a package that provides this functionality the debate is no longer about the existence of undefs but whether such as method should be in Base or if its existence in a package such as this is useful.

Experimental: Resetting elements of arrays and references to #undef via undef! and @undef!

This package also includes experimental support for resetting elements of arrays and referenes to #undef.

This can be done via the undef! function or the @undef! macro.

julia> mutable struct Foo end

julia> A = Array{Foo}(undef, 2)
2-element Vector{Foo}:

julia> A[1] = Foo()

julia> isassigned(A, 1)

julia> @undef! A[1]

julia> A
2-element Vector{Foo}:

julia> isassigned(A, 1)

This is highly experimental and depends on Julia private internals which may change between minor versions of Julia. Currently, this package is tested from Julia 1.0.5 through Julia 1.9.0 in limited circumstances. Use at your own risk.

Alternatives to undefs!

Rather than using undefs! which is experimental and relies on Julia private internals, considering using a union type with Nothing.

julia> A = Array{Union{Foo,Nothing}}(nothing, 2)
2-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Foo}}:

julia> A[1] = Foo()

julia> A
2-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Foo}}:

julia> A[1] = nothing

julia> A
2-element Vector{Union{Nothing, Foo}}:

Discussion of undefs!

undefs! depends on array layout details that are not intended to be exposed as part of the public interface of Julia. #undef occurs when Julia uses an array of pointers layout for arrays of elements of mutable or non-concrete types. An #undef indicates that those pointers are NULL pointers that point to nothing. Arrays of primitives or immutable bitstypes are in contrast laid out using an inline layout without indirection.

This package reads the internal array layout details to determine when an array of pointers layout is used. To return an element to an #undef state, undef! sets the corresponding pointer to be a NULL pointer, C_NULL or Ptr{Nothing} @0x0000000000000000. Problems can arise if this package incorrectly determines the layout type of the array.

Due to the use of internal array layout details, undefs! should be considered highly experimental. It's implementation here is mainly to elucidate the internal Julia array structure for educational purposes.

In version 0.3, this package now uses Base._unsetindex! for the array implementation.