
Julia package for the unishox string compression library
Author gbaraldi
0 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
November 2021


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Unishox.j; is a Julia package that provides access to the compression and decompression functions in the Unishox C library. It's algorithms are optimized for short Unicode strings. Compression is performed using an hybrid encoder that uses entropy, dictionary and delta encoding. For more details check the article

Two functions are exported by this package: compress and decompress. Both accept a single AbstractString argument and return a String.

Here's an example using the functions at the REPL.

julia> using Unishox

julia> s = "๐Ÿ˜†I can do emojis"
"๐Ÿ˜†I can do emojis"

julia> sizeof(s)

julia> compressed = compress(s)

julia> sizeof(compressed)

julia> decompress(compressed)
"๐Ÿ˜†I can do emojis"

This package is based on the Shoco.jl package.