
Information Units for Unitful, including Data Storage and Data Rate, and Information Entropy
Author uriele
0 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
July 2024


Stable Dev Build Status

UnitfulData.jl is an extension for Unitful.jl that includes units of Information commonly encountered in Information Theory and Data Storage.

The extension also includes the exported macro @unit_custom_prefix that allows the generation of prefixed units for a general unit using a custom base and exponents and the constant prefixed_data containing the most common units in metric (base 10) and IEC (binary) format.

Defined Units and Dimensions


A dimension representing Information either as Storage, Memory, or Entropy.

  • bit : the most basic unit of information in computing repesented an a binary digit

  • trit: a ternary unit that encode the information with three non-negative numbers

  • Byte: number of bits used to encode a character of text in the computer.

  • sh: the shannon is the unit of information content associated with and event occuring with probability 1/2.

  • Hart: the hartley is a unit of information and entropy on base 10

  • nat: the natural unit of information is a unit of information and entropy based on the natural logarithms


A derived dimension that represate the unit of Information passing through a channel per unit of time.

  • bps: the change of rate of information in bits/seconds

  • Bps: the change of rate of information in Bytes/seconds

Exported Macros and Functions

From Unitful

  • @u_str
  • @unit
  • dimension
  • uconvert
  • ustrip
  • upreferred

From UnitfulData

  • @unit_custom_prefix
  • @data_allocated
  • data_summary

Used By Packages

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