
Making structs viewable as AbstractVectors
Author JuliaComputing
4 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
February 2024


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VectorPrisms.jl exposes the ability to view a (potentially nested) struct as a AbstractVector. It exposes this both through composition with the VectorPrism wrapper type, and through inheritance with the AbstractRecordVector type. These conceptually work by recursively (depth first) searching all fields looking for elements that subtype the declared eltype (which may be concrete, abstract, or a union).

Throughout these documentation we will refer to the example of:

mutable struct Foo
struct Bar <: AbstractRecordVector{Int}

bar = Bar(10, Foo(20, "a"), 30)

All the usual operations expected of an AbstractVector work on Bar.

julia> size(bar)

julia> using LinearAlgebra

julia> LinearAlgebra.norm(bar)

julia>, bar)

julia> bar'
1×3 adjoint(::Bar) with eltype Int64:
 10  20  30

julia> view(bar, 1:2)
2-element view(::Bar, 1:2) with eltype Int64:

setindex! works on indexes matching to mutable fields and not on ones that do not.

julia> bar[2] = 200

julia> bar
3-element Bar:

julia> bar[1]=100
ERROR: setfield!: immutable struct of type Bar cannot be changed

Extra operations only for AbstractRecordVector/VectorPrisms: paths, indexof

By and large the operations on our types are characterized by the AbstractVector API -- that is the whole point. But we do provide a couple of operations that only make sense for these types/

paths returns a vector of all the paths within the object, in the order of their index. It takes an optional first argument that specifies if it should return Strings (default), or Exprs.

julia> paths(Bar)
3-element Vector{String}:

julia> paths(Expr, Bar)
3-element Vector{Expr}:

indexof takes a path (given as a series of Symbols) into the object and returns the matching index:

julia> indexof(Bar, :foo, :a)

julia> indexof(Bar, :y)

How do I use VectorPrism?

In implementation, there is little more to VectorPrism than simply being a single field struct that subtypes AbstractRecordVector. A simple wrapper type.

For example we could take a VectorPrism of a ComplexF64 as follows:

julia> cvp = VectorPrism(10.0 + 20im)
VectorPrism{Float64} view of 10.0 + 20.0im

julia> cvp[1]

julia> cvp[2]

How do I control what types are ignored by VectorPrism?

By default VectorPrism determines the element type as the union of all the leaf types in your object.

julia> vp = VectorPrism((;a=1.0, b=(1f0, 2)))
VectorPrism{Union{Float32, Float64, Int64}} view of (a = 1.0, b = (1.0f0, 2))

julia> length(vp)

However, if you specify the eltype in the constructor it will ignore anything that doesn't match it.

julia> vp2 = VectorPrism{AbstractFloat}((;a=1.0, b=(1f0, 2)))
VectorPrism{AbstractFloat} view of (a = 1.0, b = (1.0f0, 2))

julia> length(vp2)

Should I use AbstractRecordVector or VectorPrism?

In general it is a bit nicer to use AbstractRecordVector if you can slot it nicely into your existing type hierarchy, since this means your type is always exposed as itself to methods. However, this is not always possible since Julia does not have multiple inheritance.

This is where VectorPrism enters. You can wrap your type in it to get the AbstractVector view. However, now you do not get your methods anymore. Some things like getproperty and function invocation are delegated to the original object, but by no means all possible operations.

Limitations: no dynamically sized memory

The size of types with the structs must be compile-time known. They can be structs orTuples, they can not be Vectors. This also means it can not contain types like Dicts which are built on type of Vectors. However, if you know the size of your Arrays, wrapping them in StaticArrays.SizedArray allows them to be used inside a VectorPrism/AbstractRecordVector.

How does it work under the hood and is it fast?

The core functionality is that getindex is an @generated function which basically generates a chain of if-elses for all the fields of the eltype. So for our example it would rounghly look like:

function getindex(bar::Bar, ii::Int)
    if ii==1
        return bar.x
    elseif ii==2
    elseif ii==3
        return bar.y
        throw(BoundsError(bar, ii))

This is indeed fast. If the index is compile-time known (like a literal) then all the branches are eliminated and bar[2] directly compiles into If not, this gets analysed this as a switch statement for which it has many options for how to compile including to a jump statement or a series of conditionals depending which is faster. You can check it isn't actually running the series of conditions for large structs because the timing remands constant not changing with index. getindex on a AbstractRecordVector/VectorPrism of any size remains on the order of a couple of CPU instructions, similar to getindex on Vector.

Wrapping things in VectorPrism is also very cheap since it does not allocate. Further more, it will often be removed entirely the compiler during SROA optimiation (Scalar Replacement of Aggregates).

Differences from StaticArrays.FieldVector

AbstractRecordVector is conceptually very similar to StaticArrays.FieldVector. The primary difference is that AbstractRecordVector works recursively on all structs contained within your struct. So for

we would have that bar[2] would return (which was 2). (as well as bar[1] returning (which was 10)). In contrast had Bar<:FieldVector{2, Int} when bar[2] would have returned (and violated the declared element type).

A second (related) difference is that leaf types that do not subtype the declared eltype are simply ignored. So, continuing our previous example bar[3] would return bar.y (which was 30).

What is a prism?

A prism is a type of optic, like a lens. This concept is relatively well established in Closure and Haskell. Julia programmers may be familar with Accessors.jl uses lenses.

A lens is about fields, it encodes a has-a relationship. A prism on the other-hand encodes a is-a relationship. So the VectorPrism allows us to view a struct as if it was an AbstractVector.

We do not do this though a standard optic construction of a forward-function which returns both the new object and a back-function (closure) that returns the object to the original, but rather though exposing that API fully and without new memory allocation, thus no need for a back function.

We do note that there are many implementation of the standard vector prism construction in julia, with various tweaks to meet various needs, for example FiniteDifferences.to_vec, Optimizers.destructure and others.``

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