44 Stars
Updated Last
2 Years Ago
Started In
May 2019


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‘Quis custodiet ipsos custodies? Your grace.’
‘I know that one,’ said Vimes. 'Who watches the watchmen? Me, Mr Pessimal.’
‘Ah, but who watches you, your grace?’ said the inspector, with a brief smile.
‘I do that, too.'

] add https://github.com/MikeInnes/Vimes.jl
] add https://github.com/MikeInnes/CSTParser.jl#location

Simulating a good programmer may be AI-complete, but simulating a bad one is much easier. That's what Vimes does; it makes random, but plausible-looking, changes to your code. Then it runs your test suite. If your tests fail, you're good; if they don't, then the tests are probably missing something important.


julia> using Vimes; Vimes.go("../JSON.jl", procs=4) # run 4 tests in parallel
[ Info: (4) Ran 1 tests, precision 100.00%
[ Info: (1) Ran 2 tests, precision 100.00%
[ Info: (2) Ran 35 tests, precision 97.14%

Vimes reports the percentage of runs where the tests failed as the precision of the test suite (i.e. 100% is the best possible precision).

In the project folder (here ../JSON.jl), a .vimes folder will appear with a .diff file for every patch found, like this:

@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ end
 function Base.push!(v::PushVector, i)
     v.l += 1
-    if v.l > length(v.v)
+    if !(v.l > length(v.v))
         resize!(v.v, v.l * 2)
     v.v[v.l] = i


Vimes is powered by the library of patches in src/library.jl. It's easy to make a new patch; it's just a function which takes an expression and returns either a new expression or nothing. For example, replacing numeric constants can be done by

function numbers(x)
  x isa Number || return
  return rand(typeof(x))

Note that you do not need to search for numbers inside expressions, since Vimes will automatically apply this function to the whole source tree.

Vimes comes with a set of default patches, Vimes.defaults. You can supply your own set of patches entirely, or extend the defaults with

Vimes.go(".", [Vimes.defaults..., numbers])

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