
Author syoshida1983
0 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
June 2024


The functions provided by this package have been merged into Hadamard.jl.


Stable Dev Build Status

This package provides the function for the generation of the Walsh matrix.


To install this package, open the Julia REPL and run

julia> ]add Walsh


julia> using Pkg
julia> Pkg.add("Walsh")


Import the package first.

julia> using Walsh

To generate the $n\times n$ Walsh matrix, call the walsh function with argument n.

julia> walsh(8)
8×8 Matrix{Int8}:
 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1
 1   1   1   1  -1  -1  -1  -1
 1   1  -1  -1  -1  -1   1   1
 1   1  -1  -1   1   1  -1  -1
 1  -1  -1   1   1  -1  -1   1
 1  -1  -1   1  -1   1   1  -1
 1  -1   1  -1  -1   1  -1   1
 1  -1   1  -1   1  -1   1  -1

If n is not a power of 2, an error occurs.

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