A Julia wrapper around the wasmtime runtime to run Web Assembly blobs and libraries from Julia.
julia> using Wasmtime
julia> code = wat"""
(memory 1)
;; adds two consecutive f32 located at
;; address $ptr in memory
(func $sum (param $ptr i32)
(result f32)
local.get $ptr
local.get 0
i32.const 4
(export "sum" (func $sum))
(export "memory" (memory 0))
julia> engine = WasmEngine(); store = Wasmtime.WasmtimeStore(engine);
julia> module_ = Wasmtime.WasmtimeModule(engine, code);
julia> instance = Wasmtime.WasmtimeInstance(store, module_);
julia> (; memory, sum) = exports(instance);
julia> buf = reinterpret(Float32, memory); # memory is an AbstractVector{UInt8}
julia> buf[1] = 32.5f0; buf[2] = 3f0;
julia> sum(Int32(0))
julia> buf[1] + buf[2]
Wastime exposes two C api. The first one is the common Web Assembly runtime C api with names starting with Wasm
in Wasmtime.jl.
The second one is a wasmtime specific api which provides more functionality like WASI imports, fine-grained configuration
of the store features like fuel.
See the test
folder for usage examples.