DandelionWebSockets is a client side WebSocket package.
Create a subtype of WebSocketHandler
, with callbacks for WebSocket events. Create a WSClient
connect to a WebSocket server. The type WebSocketConnection
represents a connection, and is used
to send messages and close the connection. The connection object is supplied in the
state_connection(::WebSocketHandler, ::WebSocketConnection)
callback, which is always the first
using DandelionWebSockets
import DandelionWebSockets: on_text, on_binary
import DandelionWebSockets: state_connecting, state_open,
state_closing, state_closed
mutable struct MyHandler <: WebSocketHandler
# The connection is only available once `state_connecting` has been called.
connection::Union{WebSocketConnection, Nothing}
# These are called when you get a text or binary frame, respectively.
on_text(handler::MyHandler, text::String) = ...
on_binary(handler::MyHandler, data::Vector{UInt8}) = ...
# These are called when the state of the WebSocket changes.
state_connecting(handler::MyHandler, connection::WebSocketConnection) = ...
state_open(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closing(handler::MyHandler) = ...
state_closed(handler::MyHandler) = ...
The following functions are available on WebSocketConnection
, to send frames to the server.
send_text(c::WebSocketConnection, s::String)
send_binary(c::WebSocketConnection, data::Vector{UInt8})
# Close the WebSocket.
# Send a multi-frame text message
textsender = sendmultiframetext(connection)
sendframe(textsender, "Hello")
sendframe(textsender, "world")
sendframe(textsender, "Goodbye."; isfinal=true)
# Send a multi-frame binary message
binarysender = sendmultiframebinary(connection)
sendframe(binarysender, b"Hello")
sendframe(binarysender, b"world")
sendframe(binarysender, b"Goodbye."; isfinal=true)
To connect to a WebSocket server, call
wsconnect(client::WSClient, uri::URI, handler::WebSocketHandler)
For the full example code, please check out examples/echo.jl
Interface changes
Alongside (but unrelated to) the update to Julia 0.7/1.0, the interface has changed some.
Instead of using the WSClient
type to send messages, a type WebSocketConnection
is used. This
makes more sense, as a client could (though not supported yet) create several connections. Because
a connection needs a handler, and a handler needs a connection to send messages, the actual
connection object is now supplied in the
state_connecting(::WebSocketHandler, ::WebSocketConnection)
callback. This will always be the
first callback. Therefore, the connection can be stored in a Union{WebSocketConnection, Nothing}
field, and set only after state_connecting(..)
has been called.
So, in short, change
struct MyHandler <: WebSocketHandler
state_connecting(::MyHandler) = ...
mutable struct MyHandler <: WebSocketHandler
connection::Union{WebSocketConnection, Nothing}
state_connecting(handler::MyHandler, connection::WebSocketConnection) = handler.connection = connection
The sending methods all take a WebSocketConnection
argument instead of a WSClient
Note on I/O and thread safety
Note that print and I/O functions are not thread safe in Julia. Using them in the message and state callbacks (as is currently done in the examples) may lead to unexpected behaviour, or crashes. See JuliaLang/julia#17388 for more details.
Thank you to @alessandrousseglioviretta for bringing up this issue.
Note on SSL
At the moment, SSL is not functioning, due to moving from Requests.jl to HTTP.jl. This is presumably just a matter of fixing a minor issue, as HTTP.jl does have SSL support.
Releases and Julia
This package is now registered with Julias package manager. Please only use version 0.1.1 and higher. Version 0.1.0 contains three serious bugs, which were fixed for 0.1.1.
Julia 0.7/1.0
Migration to Julia 1.0 is nearly complete. A new release will be available soon.
Before the migration is complete, there is a PR to an upstream package that must be accepted, or I must configure the dependencies to use a patched version instead of the latest release.
These brave people have contributed to this package:
- @hlaaftana
- @TotalVerb
- @iblis17
DandelionWebSockets is licensed under the MIT license.