Send and recieve XML-RPCs with Julia
3 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
June 2016


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Send and recieve XMLRPC. The full spec is currently supported except for fault handling.


# https://www.odoo.com/documentation/9.0/api_integration.html

v = XMLRPCProxy("http://demo.odoo.com/start")

res = v["start"]() # call the "start" method on the server

url = res["host"]
pw = res["password"]
db = res["database"]
un = res["user"]

# Call authetication method

common = XMLRPCProxy(url*"/xmlrpc/2/common")

uid = common["authenticate"](db, un, pw, [])

models = XMLRPCProxy(url*"/xmlrpc/2/object")

models["execute_kw"](db, uid, pw,
    "res.partner", "check_access_rights",
    ["read"], Dict("raise_exception"=> false))

models["execute_kw"](db, uid, pw,
    "res.partner", "search",
    Any[Any[Any["is_company", "=", true], Any["customer", "=", true]]])