Yet Another Automatic Differentiation package in Julia.
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and use pkg
mode in Julia REPL, then type:
pkg> add YAAD
You may want to check my blog post about it: Implement AD with Julia in ONE day
This project aims to provide a similar interface with PyTorch's autograd, while keeping things simple. The core implementation only contains a straight-forward 200 line of Julia. It is highly inspired by AutoGrad.jl and PyTorch
Every operation will directly return a CachedNode
, which constructs a computation
graph dynamically without using a global tape.
NOTE: This project is for self-use at the moment, it will be a place for me to do AD related
experimental coding, I don't guarantee the consistency and stability between versions (different version can be in-compatible). For practical usage, I would suggest you try Flux.Tracker
or Zygote
. They may have better performance and are aimed to be non-experimental projects.
It is simple. Mark what you want to differentiate with Variable
, which contains value
and grad
. Each time you try to backward
evaluate, the gradient will be accumulated to
using LinearAlgebra
x1, x2 = Variable(rand(30, 30)), Variable(rand(30, 30))
y = tr(x1 * x2) # you get a tracked value here
backward(y) # backward propagation
print(x1.grad) # this is where gradient goes
Or you can just register your own
# first define how you want to create a node in computation graph
sin(x::AbstractNode) = register(sin, x)
# then define the gradient
gradient(::typeof(sin), grad, output, x) = grad * cos(x)
Apache License Version 2.0