
Julia wrapper for YODA-files used predominantely in HEP packages, such as Rivet.
Author salvolc
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
June 2023


Creating a package to interface the YODA format for Histograms into Julia. This format is predominantly used in high-energy particle physics such as for the MC validation tool RIVET. For more information on the YODA file format visit the YODA homepage https://yoda.hepforge.org/ or the GitLab at https://gitlab.com/hepcedar/yoda

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Example of Histo1D objects

using YodaFiles
using Plots

myhist = get_all_histograms("myfile.yoda") # Returns a 2D array with names and histograms

histerrs = get_all_errs("myfile.yoda") # Returns the uncertainties of the histograms as an array

Used By Packages

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