
Importing the Zeiss CZI file format for microscopy
Author JuliaIO
9 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
May 2022


Stable Build Status Coverage

This package provides support for the CZI image format for microscopy in the Julia programming language. It is registered with the FileIO package.


Within Julia, perform the following:

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add(["ZeissMicroscopyFormat", "FileIO"])

This would add the package to whatever environment is currently active. Generally it is recommended to use project-specific environments. More information about package management can be found in the Pkg documentation.


In an environment with these packages installed, usage is as simple as

julia> using FileIO

julia> img = load("my_image_file.czi")

The format will be automatically detected by FileIO, which will load this package to import the specified file.

A general tool for viewing multidimensional images is ImageView.