
Zipping Julia arrays together
Author emmt
1 Star
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
November 2020

Zipping Julia arrays together

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ZippedArrays is a Julia package to zip several (abstract) arrays together for accessing their elements simultaneously. For instance, assuming that A, B and C are 3 Julia arrays, then:

using ZippedArrays
Z = ZippedArray(A,B,C)

builds a zipped array instance Z such that the syntax Z[i] yields the 3-tuple (A[i],B[i],C[i]) while the syntax Z[i] = (a,b,c) is equivalent to (A[i],B[i],C[i]) = (a,b,c).

Any number of arrays can be zipped together, they must however have the same indices (as returned by the axes method).

To build an uninitialized zipped array of size dims whose elements are tuples of items of types T1, T2, etc., call:

Z = ZippedArray{Tuple{T1,T2,...}}(undef, dims)

For example:

Z = ZippedArray{Tuple{Int,Float64}}(undef, 2, 3, 4)

builds a 3-dimensional array of size (2,3,4) and whose elements are 2-tuples of type Tuple{Int,Float64}.

Element type of a zipped array can also be a structure type. For example:

Z = ZippedArray{Complex{Float32}}(undef, dims)

creates an uninitialized array of Complex{Float32} elements, of size dims, and such that the real and imaginary parts are stored into two separate arrays. As another example:

Z = ZippedArray{Complex{Float32}}(A, B))

wraps arrays A and B into an abstract array of Complex{Float32} elements, of same size as A and B and such that Z[i] yields Complex{Float32}(A[i],B[i]).

A zipped array, say A::ZippedArray{T,N}, enforces the type of the returned elements by calling convert(T, x) with x the tuple of values and if T is a tuple type, or by calling the constructor T(x...) if T is not a tuple type. This guarantees the type of the returned elements with no speed penalties when x needs no conversion. This can be also exploited to perform lazy conversion (in the above example A and B may have other element type than Float32). If the type T has no constructor matching the syntax T(x...), the method{T}, x) can be specialized to yield an object of type T whose fields are given by the tuple of values x.

Compared to the zip function which only provides means to iterate through its arguments, a zipped array can be accessed in random order and for reading and writing. This makes zipped arrays useful for in-place multi-key sorting. For instance:

      lt = (x,y) -> ifelse(x[1] == y[1], x[2] < y[2], x[1] < y[1]))

will sort in-place vectors A and B such that the values in A are in increasing order and, in case of equality, the values in B are in increasing order.

A zipped array is a simple immutable structure wrapped around the arguments of ZippedArray so zipped arrays are almost costless to build. Below is an example of how to build an array C whose elements are pairs of values from A and B and a zipped array Z also built from A and B:

using ZippedArrays
n = 10_000
A = rand(Float64, n)
B = rand(Int64, n)
C = [(A[i],B[i]) for i in 1:n]
Z = ZippedArray(A,B)
C == Z # yields true

The comparison C == Z shows that the two arrays are virtually the same (although not the same object, that is C !== Z). Building Z however requires no copy of array elements and hardly requires additional memory, the sizes of Z and C are indeed quite different:

julia> sizeof(Z)

julia> sizeof(C)

These numbers may depend on the architecture (here a 64-bit processor).

Thanks to the in-lining of functions and optimizations, a zipped array may also be faster. For instance, with the arrays C and Z defined above:

using BenchmarkTools
function sum_first(A::AbstractArray{<:Tuple})
    s = 0.0
    @inbounds @simd for i in eachindex(A)
        s += first(A[i])
    return s
@btime sum_first($C) # 1.615 μs (0 allocations: 0 bytes)
@btime sum_first($Z) # 643.983 ns (0 allocations: 0 bytes)

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