Dependency Packages
JuMP.jl2210Modeling language for Mathematical Optimization (linear, mixed-integer, conic, semidefinite, nonlinear)
TranscodingStreams.jl85Simple, consistent interfaces for any codec.
ChainRulesCore.jl253AD-backend agnostic system defining custom forward and reverse mode rules. This is the light weight core to allow you to define rules for your functions in your packages, without depending on any particular AD system.
ForwardDiff.jl888Forward Mode Automatic Differentiation for Julia
DataStructures.jl690Julia implementation of Data structures
TimerOutputs.jl651Formatted output of timed sections in Julia
MathOptInterface.jl388A data structure for mathematical optimization problems
BenchmarkTools.jl607A benchmarking framework for the Julia language
PrecompileTools.jl204Reduce time-to-first-execution of Julia code
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
DocStringExtensions.jl114Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
NLPModelsJuMP.jl36Create NLPModels with JuMP
LinearOperators.jl150Linear Operators for Julia
JSON.jl311JSON parsing and printing
StaticArrays.jl761Statically sized arrays for Julia
MutableArithmetics.jl49Interface for arithmetics on mutable types in Julia
MacroTools.jl310MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
NLPModels.jl171Data Structures for Optimization Models
OrderedCollections.jl92Julia implementation of associative containers that preserve insertion order
InverseFunctions.jl29Interface for function inversion in Julia
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
CommonSubexpressions.jl37Naïve combined subexpression elimination in Julia
ChangesOfVariables.jl11Interface for transformation functions in Julia
DiffRules.jl76A simple shared suite of common derivative definitions
SpecialFunctions.jl350Special mathematical functions in Julia
FastClosures.jl54Faster closure variable capture
CodecZlib.jl50Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
CodecBzip2.jl8A bzip2 codec for TranscodingStreams.jl.
Preferences.jl129Project Preferences Package
NaNMath.jl53Julia math built-ins which return NaN and accumulator functions which ignore NaN
IrrationalConstants.jl16Defines additional irrationals
StaticArraysCore.jl16Interface package for StaticArrays.jl
Parsers.jl114Fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia
Requires.jl195Lazy code loading for Julia
LogExpFunctions.jl74Julia package for various special functions based on `log` and `exp`.
ExprTools.jl78Light-weight expression manipulation tools
DiffResults.jl35A package which provides an API for querying differentiation results at multiple orders simultaneously
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