16 Packages since 2013
User Packages
PkgTemplates.jl558Create new Julia packages, the easy way
BenchmarkTools.jl509A benchmarking framework for the Julia language
Coverage.jl164Take Julia code coverage and memory allocation results, do useful things with them
PkgBenchmark.jl116Easy benchmark tracking for packages
LocalCoverage.jl63Trivial functions for working with coverage for packages locally.
BaseBenchmarks.jl35A collection of Julia benchmarks available for CI tracking from the JuliaLang/julia repository
PackageEvaluator.jl35A tool to evaluate the quality of Julia packages.
Nanosoldier.jl28A package for running JuliaCI services on MIT's Nanosoldier cluster
PkgEval.jl25Keeping tabs on the julia ecosystem
CoverageTools.jl7Core functionality for processing coverage information in Julia
CoverageCore.jl7Core functionality for processing coverage information in Julia
CoverageBase.jl4Measuring internal test coverage of the Julia programming language
BuildkiteUtils.jl3Utilities for working with Buildkite
BaseTestDeprecated.jl2Provides the Base.Test functionality removed in Julia v0.5
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