12 Packages since 2014
User Packages
UnROOT.jl96Native Julia I/O package to work with CERN ROOT files objects (TTree and RNTuple)
ROOT.jl42CERN ROOT compatiblility for Julia
AwkwardArray.jl31Awkward Array in Julia mirrors the Python library, enabling effortless zero-copy data exchange between Julia and Python
JetReconstruction.jl18Jet reconstruction (reclustering) with Julia
UpROOT.jl15Julia package to access CERN ROOT files, wraps Python package uproot
LiteHF.jl11Light-weight HistFactory in pure Julia, attempts to be compatible with `pyhf` json format
LandauDistribution.jl8Extending `Distributions.jl` to include Landau Distribution based on CERN ROOT's implementation.
LHEF.jl7Quick and dirty implementation of the Les Houches Event Format (LHE Files) in Julia
LorentzVectorHEP.jl5X, y, z, t and pt, eta, phi, M Lorentz Vectors as used in collider experiments at CERN and other places
Indicomb.jl3Data API for CERN Indico meeting schedule platform. Reference: https://gitlab.cern.ch/indicomb/indicomb
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