11 Packages since 2023
User Packages
Ephemerides.jl22A Modern Binary Ephemeris Reader for Julia, in Julia.
FrameTransformations.jl19A modern, high-performance and comprehensive set of tools for transformations between any standard and user-defined reference frame.
Tempo.jl15Efficient Astronomical Time transformations in Julia.
MixedTypesContainers.jl4An efficient library for mixed-types containers.
IERSConventions.jl1IERS Conventions made easy.
AstroRepresentations.jl0Astrodynamical states representations and transformations.
SMDGraphs.jl0Simple, light, and flexible API for graph-like data structure handling.
CalcephEphemeris.jl0A CALCEPH wrapper for the JSMD ecosystem.
AstroConstants.jl0Astrodynamics constants parsing and handling.
JSMDInterfaces.jl0An interface package for the JSMD ecosystem
JSMDUtils.jl0A utility package for the JSMD ecosystem
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