17 Packages since 2018
User Packages
DimensionalData.jl271Named dimensions and indexing for julia arrays and other data
Rasters.jl206Raster manipulation for the Julia language
Interfaces.jl80Macros to define and implement interfaces, to ensure they are checked and correct.
ModelParameters.jl58Easy, standardised parameter get/set for heterogeneous or nested immutable models.
SegmentAnything.jl55Segment-anything wrapped for Julia
Mixers.jl38Julia mixin macros. Mixed, not stirred
Flatten.jl32Flatten nested Julia objects to tuples, and reconstruct them later
FieldMetadata.jl22Metadata for julia fields
UnitfulMoles.jl15Utilities for working with Mole units for the Julia language
Stencils.jl8Static Stencil mapping for Julia
FieldDefaults.jl7Flexible, overridable default field values
Extents.jl4A shared Extent object for Julia spatial data, with DE-9IM spatial predicates
GBIF2.jl3Easy and consistent GBIF quieries with Tables.jl compatible results.
FieldDocTables.jl2Tables for field documentation and metadata
SimpleRoots.jl1Simple root finding methods in Julia
GeoData.jl1Archive of GeoData.jl, which is replaced by Rasters.jl
UnitlessFlatten.jl0Deprecated in Favour of Flatten.jl: Struct flattening that strips Unitful units
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