14 Packages since 2022
User Packages
DiffusionFlux.jl0A package for the calculation of diffusion fluxes inlcluding flux through porous media
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
SurfaceReactions.jl0This package is a part of RSim, however, may also be used as an independent package for the calculation of source terms from an xml mechanism input file
Equil.jl0A package for chemical equilibrium calculation
GasphaseReactions.jl1Gasphase reactions library.
BatchReactor.jl2A package for simulating batch reactor model with gasphase chemistry, surface chemistry or user defined chemistry
IdealGas.jl2This module is a part of RSim. This module calculates the thermodynamic properties
ReactionCommons.jl2This module is a part of RSim. The module defines framework for specifying reaction schmes and calculation of reaction rates
RxnHelperUtils.jl2This is a part of RSim. This package is a collection of helper functions for RSim and associated packages
TransportProperties.jl2A julia package for the calculation of diffusion coefficients, thermal conductivity, and viscosity of gases
ThermoProbe.jl4A package for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of pure species as well as mixtures
StirredReactor.jl4A julia package for the simulation of stirred tank reactor with surface, gasphase or user defined chemistry models
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