Actuarial Science Packages
TradingSystem.jl1Quantitative trading framework in Julia
ZVSimulator.jl0Zero Variance Simulations in Julia
FRED.jl0Julia Package to read from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank API
OpenFiscaCore.jl0A port of OpenFisca-Core to Julia. This is the core module of OpenFisca, without GUI or country-specific code & data
RuinProbability.jl0For calculating the ruin probability with real data under different claims models
EodData.jl0Julia package for connecting to the XML Web Service.
OpenFiscaFrance.jl1A port of OpenFisca-France to Julia. This is the OpenFisca package containing the formulas and parameters of the french tax-benefit system.
Loss.jl4Loss functions
CTechCommon.jl0Some functionality to be shared among packages
Bloomberg.jl10Providing access to Bloomberg financial data in Julia
SDE.jl3This package is obsoleted by
DynAssMgmt.jl2Dynamic asset management routines
BigFinance.jl5Analysis of high frequency quantitative data in Julia
Timestamps.jl5Immutable timestamped values
TradeModels.jl13Modeling the allocation of resources to markets based on the restraints of objective functions
Grist.jl5Financial blotter
RobHood.jl2Open platform to investigate markets
FinMarkets.jl20Describe and model financial markets objects using Julia
FinanceStats.jl8A collection of commonly used metrics in finance
FinancialBlotter.jl13Trade and Portfolio Accounting in Julia
WorldBankDataTd.jl1Accessing World Bank Data from Julia
EconDatasets.jl15Accessing econometric data
GARCH.jl13Julia GARCH package
Quandl.jl67Julia api to Quandl open source financial, economic and social datasets
YStockData.jl20Fetch Data from Yahoo Finance
TradingLogic.jl61Backtesting and trading with Julia reactive programming.
Gensys.jl5A Julia version of Gensys (Sims 2000)
Ito.jl36A Julia package for quantitative finance
Stonks.jl53Julia library for standardizing financial data retrieval and storage from multiple APIs.
Expectations.jl57Expectation operators for Distributions.jl objects
MarketTechnicals.jl127Technical analysis of financial time series in Julia
Econometrics.jl69Econometrics in Julia
Dolo.jl57Economic modeling in Julia
AlphaVantage.jl85A Julia wrapper for the Alpha Vantage API.
Miletus.jl83Writing financial contracts in Julia
FredData.jl62Pull data from Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) directly into Julia
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