XML Packages
LibExpat.jl8Julia interface to the Expat XML parser library
LightXML.jl79A light-weight Julia package for XML based on libxml2.
XmlToDict.jl0Julia module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON (inspired by xmltodict)
EodDataTestXml.jl0Test files for EodData.jl
XMLDict.jl27XMLDict implements a simple Associative interface for XML documents.
XMLconvert.jl5Functions for converting XML documents to other formats
XMLRPC.jl3Send and recieve XML-RPCs with Julia
EzXML.jl109XML/HTML handling tools for primates
MzXML.jl14Load mass spectrometry mzXML files
MusicXML.jl12MusicXML in Julia
XML.jl30Read and write XML in pure Julia ❤️
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