
A Julia Package for the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture
Author itsdfish
8 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
April 2020


The goal of ACTRModels.jl is to provide basic types and functions for developing models based on the ACT-R cognitive architecture. Please see the documentation for installation instructions, working examples, and related pacakges.

Simple Example

using ACTRModels

# create chunks of declarative knowledge
chunks = [
    Chunk(; name = :Bob, department = :accounting),
    Chunk(; name = :Alice, department = :HR)
# initialize declarative memory
declarative = Declarative(memory = chunks)

# specify model parameters: partial matching, noise, mismatch penalty, activation noise
Θ = (mmp = true, noise = true, δ = 1.0, s = 0.20)

# create an ACT-R object with activation noise and partial matching
actr = ACTR(; declarative, Θ...)

# retrieve a chunk
chunk = retrieve(actr; department = :accounting)