
Interface with the AllenSDK using PythonCall
Author brendanjohnharris
0 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


Build Status Coverage

This small package creates a basic interface to the AllenSDK python package using PythonCall. It exports the top-level allensdk module, which can be used to import other submodules. For example:

using AllenSDK
using PythonCall
ecephyscache = pyimport("allensdk.brain_observatory.ecephys.ecephys_project_cache")
cache = ecephyscache.EcephysProjectCache # This can be used to access neuropixels data
units = cache.get_units() # E.g. get a python dataframe of neuropixels units

For more complex usage, please see AllenNeuropixels.jl, which builds on this package by providing a more Julia-oriented interface to the AllenSDK.

You should have no problems installing this package as usual on Linux and Windows. On MacOS, you may need to install the Python dependencies manually (see CondaPkg.toml) in some environment, then set:

ENV["JULIA_CONDAPKG_ENV"] = "/path/to/some/environemt/"

These environment variables tell CondaPkg.jl to use a manual python installation and avoid updating.