
Author yanjer
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July 2023


AUCell.jl is an algorithm for cell reclassification based on AUC values by feature genes in the pathway.

1 Used in the Julia language

1.1 Installation

The algorithm is implemented in Julia. Version 1.7 or later is recommended. The simpliest way to install is using the Pkg facility in Julia.

using Pkg

1.2 Examples

1.2.1 Quick Start

Run a test job with the input files distributed with the package.

julia> using AUCell
# Use the default values for the following other parameters. If you need to modify the parameters, add them directly.
julia> result = pathway_AUC_main(use_testdata="yes")

The analysis results and a few plots will be generated and saved in the current work directory. They are also returned by the pathway_AUC_main function and can be captured by assign the returned values to a variable, e.g., result in the above example.

The first return value is a DataFrame, where rows are genes and columns are statistical values for each gene. All the genes passing the basic preprocessing step are retained.

julia> result
  1.595452 seconds (8.44 M allocations: 279.644 MiB, 4.83% gc time, 77.52% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: The size of expression profile was (36602, 8).
  1.945127 seconds (4.95 M allocations: 260.557 MiB, 11.17% gc time, 96.92% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: The filtered of expression profile size was (7549, 8).
  0.000401 seconds (27 allocations: 34.641 KiB)
[ Info: INFO: There are 1 pathways to be analyzed.
  0.660084 seconds (1.75 M allocations: 87.597 MiB, 3.11% gc time, 99.78% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: According to the meta information, there are 2 groups of data and each group will be analyzed with the rest of the sample.
  2.731819 seconds (6.61 M allocations: 365.662 MiB, 3.77% gc time, 94.64% compilation time)
2×17 Matrix{Any}:
 "GeneSet"                            "group1"   "group1"   "group1"   "group1"   "group1"     "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"
 "HALLMARK_TNFA_SIGNALING_VIA_NFKB"  0.506962   0.500821   0.515332   0.529347   0.453294      0.506962   0.500821   0.515332   0.529347   0.453294   0.512858   0.482078   0.440029

1.2.2 Run your own AUCell analysis

You need to prepare two input files before the analysis: pathway features gene file and expression profile file.

pathway features gene file
Funtion Format Describe
read_gmt(fn::AbstractString) Read in a GMT file (MSigDB gene set format), where fn is the file path.
read_gsf(fn::AbstractString; delim::AbstractChar = ' ') .csv, .txt, .tsv Read in a general gene set file, where fn is the file path and the fields are separated by the delim character (default: white space). Each row represents a gene set and the first column is the name of the set and the rest are the genes in the set. pathway features gene file
  1. read_gmt: Read in a GMT file (MSigDB gene set format), where fn is the file path. .gmt (See fn_feature.gmt)
  2. read_gsf: Read in a general gene set file, where fn is the file path and the fields are separated by the delim character (default: white space). Each row represents a gene set and the first column is the name of the set and the rest are the genes in the set. .csv, .txt and .tsv are supported. (See .csv: fn_feature.csv or .txt: fn_feature.txt or .tsv: fn_feature.tsv) expression profile file
  1. read_mtx: Read in the common 10X single-cell RNA expression file in the MTX format (unzipped). (See fn: matrix.mtx, rn: features.tsv, cn: barcodes.tsv)

  2. read_expr_matrix: Read in an expression matrix stored in fn where its row names are stored in rn and column names are stored in cn. (See fn: matrix.csv (.csv) or matrix.txt (.txt) or matrix.tsv (.tsv); rn: features.tsv, cn: barcodes.tsv) pathway features gene file

read_meta: Read in a meta data file with the first row assumed to be the header and the row names assumed to be the profile names (cell barcodes). Grouping information is specified by the column with the header name of group. If group is not found, the second column will be used. It returns the grouped profile names (vector of vectors) and group names. (See fn_meta.txt)

julia> using AUCell
# Use the default values for the following other parameters. If you want to modify the parameters, add them directly.
julia> pathway_AUC_main("matrix.mtx",

Other parameters can be set by passing the value to the corresponding keyword.

           fn_meta_delim = '\t',
           fn_meta_group = "group",
        file_format_expr = "read_mtx",
             		   T = Int32,
             feature_col = 2,
             barcode_col = 1,
         	   rem_delim = ' ',
       feature_threshold = 30,
          cell_threshold = 200,
     file_format_feature = "read_gmt",
        fn_feature_delim = ' ',
    use_HALLMARK_pathway = "no",
                	mode = "AUCell",
           ncell_pseudo: = 0,
         auc_x_threshold = 1.0,
            remove_zeros = true,
         	use_testdata = "no",
             	work_dir = "./")

1.2.3 Pseudobulk method

For scRNA-seq data, one can carry out a pseudobulk analysis. Rather than using the original single-cell profiles, pseudobulk profiles can be generated and used for DEG analysis. In this method, a random subset of cells from a group is aggregated into a pseudo-bulk profile.

The pseudobulk method can be turned on by setting ncell_pseudo > 0.

julia> pathway_AUC_main("matrix.mtx",
						ncell_pseudo = 10)

ncell_pseudo is the number of pseudobulk combined cells in each group. By default, profiling does not use the pseudo-bulk method (ncell_pseudo = 0). 0 indicates that the pseudo-bulk mode is not used, and other values indicate how many cells are merged into a sample.

1.3 Optional Parameters

Below lists the optional keyword parameters and their default values.

Parameter Parameter types Default value Parameters to describe
fn_expr AbstractString "matrix.mtx" MTX file path. (required).
rn_expr AbstractString "features.tsv" features file path. (required)
cn_expr AbstractString "barcodes.tsv" barcodes file path. (required)
fn_feature AbstractString "fn_feature.gmt" Pathway feature gene set file path. (required)
fn_meta AbstractString "fn_meta.txt" Grouping information file path. Read in a meta data file with the first row assumed to be the header and the row names assumed to be the profile names (cell barcodes).
fn_meta_delim AbstractChar '\t' Delimiter of the metadata file data.
fn_meta_group AbstractString "group" Grouping information is specified by the column with the header name of group. If group is not found, the second column will be used.
file_format_expr AbstractString "read_mtx" There are two input modes "read_mtx" and "read_expr_matrix" for the expression profile file format.
T Type Int32 Express the storage format of the spectrum input variable.
feature_col Int 2 feature in the column.
barcode_col Int 1 barcode in the column.
rem_delim AbstractChar ' ' Enter the file separator when file_format_expr is "read_expr_matrix".
feature_threshold Int 30 Include features (genes) detected in at least this many cells.
cell_threshold Int 200 Include profiles (cells) where at least this many features are detected.
file_format_feature AbstractString "read_gmt" There are two input modes "read_gmt" and "read_gsf" for the file format of the features contained in the pathways.
fn_feature_delim AbstractChar ' ' Delimiter of the pathway features file data.
use_HALLMARK_pathway AbstractString "no" Whether to use the built-in HALLMARK pathways.
mode AbstractString "AUCell" "AUCell" is an optional mode to calculate AUC based on characteristic genes for two groups. "pathway_recluster" is subgroups based on pathway activation.
ncell_pseudo Int 0 ncell_pseudo is the number of pseudobulk combined cells in each group. By default, profiling does not use the pseudo-bulk method (ncell_pseudo= 0). 0 indicates that the pseudo-bulk mode is not used, and other values indicate how many cells are merged into a sample.
auc_x_threshold Float64 1.0 Threshold for the X-axis (1-specificity) in the auc calculation, 0~auc_x_threshold.
remove_zeros Bool true Whether to remove all cells with zero gene expression values.
work_dir AbstractString "./" Working Directory.
use_testdata AbstractString "no" Whether to use the default provided test data for analysis, yes or no.

1.4 Example output file

1.4.1 result

  • The file content is the pathways AUC value for each group sample. Behavioral pathways, listed as samples. (See aucell_result.tsv

1.4.2 log file

2 Used in the R language

2.1 Installation

2.1.1 You can install just like any other R packages by JuliaCall
2.1.2 To use you must have a working installation of Julia. This can be easily done via: JuliaCall
2.1.3 which will automatically install and setup a version of Julia specifically for use with JuliaCall. Or you can do
julia <-julia_setup()
2.1.4 Download AUCell

2.2 Examples

2.2.1 Quick Start

Run a test job with the input files distributed with the package.

result <-"pathway_AUC_main",list(use_testdata="yes"),need_return="Julia",show_value=FALSE)

The analysis results and a few plots will be generated and saved in the current work directory. They are also returned by the pathway_AUC_main function and can be captured by assign the returned values to a variable, e.g., result in the above example.

The first return value is a DataFrame, where rows are genes and columns are statistical values for each gene. All the genes passing the basic preprocessing step are retained.

> result
  1.595452 seconds (8.44 M allocations: 279.644 MiB, 4.83% gc time, 77.52% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: The size of expression profile was (36602, 8).
  1.945127 seconds (4.95 M allocations: 260.557 MiB, 11.17% gc time, 96.92% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: The filtered of expression profile size was (7549, 8).
  0.000401 seconds (27 allocations: 34.641 KiB)
[ Info: INFO: There are 1 pathways to be analyzed.
  0.660084 seconds (1.75 M allocations: 87.597 MiB, 3.11% gc time, 99.78% compilation time)
[ Info: INFO: According to the meta information, there are 2 groups of data and each group will be analyzed with the rest of the sample.
  2.731819 seconds (6.61 M allocations: 365.662 MiB, 3.77% gc time, 94.64% compilation time)
2×17 Matrix{Any}:
 "GeneSet"                            "group1"   "group1"   "group1"   "group1"   "group1""group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"   "group2"
 "HALLMARK_TNFA_SIGNALING_VIA_NFKB"  0.506962   0.500821   0.515332   0.529347   0.453294      0.506962   0.500821   0.515332   0.529347   0.453294   0.512858   0.482078   0.440029

2.2.2 Run your own DEG analysis

You need to prepare four input files before the analysis: metadata file and expression matrix. You need to prepare two input files pathway features gene file
  1. read_gmt: Read in a GMT file (MSigDB gene set format), where fnis the file path..gmt` (See fn_feature.gmt)
  2. read_gsf: Read in a general gene set file, where fn is the file path and the fields are separated by the delim character (default: white space). Each row represents a gene set and the first column is the name of the set and the rest are the genes in the set. .csv, .txt and .tsv are supported. (See .csv: fn_feature.csv or .txt: fn_feature.txt or .tsv: fn_feature.tsv) expression profile file
  1. read_mtx: Read in the common 10X single-cell RNA expression file in the MTX format (unzipped). (See fn: matrix.mtx, rn: features.tsv, cn: barcodes.tsv)

  2. read_expr_matrix: Read in an expression matrix stored in fn where its row names are stored in rn and column names are stored in cn. (See fn: matrix.csv (.csv) or matrix.txt (.txt) or matrix.tsv (.tsv); rn: features.tsv, cn: barcodes.tsv) pathway features gene file

read_meta: Read in a meta data file with the first row assumed to be the header and the row names assumed to be the profile names (cell barcodes). Grouping information is specified by the column with the header name of group. If group is not found, the second column will be used. It returns the grouped profile names (vector of vectors) and group names. (See fn_meta.txt)

Once the files are ready, you can carry out the AUCell analysis with the default settings as follows.

# Use the default values for the following other parameters. If you want to modify the parameters, add them directly."reoa",list("matrix.mtx",

Other parameters can be set by passing the value to the corresponding keyword."reoa",list("matrix.mtx",
                   fn_meta_delim = '\t',
                   fn_meta_group = "group",
                file_format_expr = "read_mtx",
                               T = Int32,
                     feature_col = 2,
                     barcode_col = 1,
         			   rem_delim = ' ',
               feature_threshold = 30,
                  cell_threshold = 200,
             file_format_feature = "read_gmt",
                fn_feature_delim = ' ',
            use_HALLMARK_pathway = "no",
                            mode = "AUCell",
                   ncell_pseudo: = 0,
                 auc_x_threshold = 1.0,
                    remove_zeros = true,
                    use_testdata = "no",
                        work_dir = "./"),need_return="Julia",show_value=FALSE)

2.2.3 Pseudobulk method

For scRNA-seq data, one can carry out a pseudobulk analysis. Rather than using the original single-cell profiles, pseudobulk profiles can be generated and used for DEG analysis. In this method, a random subset of cells from a group is aggregated into a pseudo-bulk profile.

The pseudobulk method can be turned on by setting ncell_pseudo > 0."reoa",list("matrix.mtx",
						ncell_pseudo = 10),need_return="Julia",show_value=FALSE)

ncell_pseudo is the number of pseudobulk combined cells in each group. By default, profiling does not use the pseudo-bulk method (ncell_pseudo = 0). 0 indicates that the pseudo-bulk mode is not used, and other values indicate how many cells are merged into a sample.

2.3 Optional Parameters

See 1.3 Optional Parameters.

2.4 Example output file

See 1.4 Example output file.

Used By Packages

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