
The BatchAssign.jl module provides a convenient way to perform batch assignments in Julia.
Author akjake616
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Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
June 2024


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The BatchAssign.jl module provides a convenient way to perform batch assignments in Julia using the macro @all. By leveraging metaprogramming techniques in Julia, this macro can assign a single value to multiple variables in one line, making your code cleaner and more concise.


To install the BatchAssign module, simply download it with the package manager:

using Pkg


First, include the module in your script:

using BatchAssign

Then, you can use the @all macro for batch assignments:

@all a b c = 1

This line will assign the value 1 to variables a, b, and c simultaneously, and is equivalent to the following:

a, b, c, = 1, 1, 1 # or, 
a = b = c = 1

It is noted that calling the following will assign disctinct random values for the variables:

@all a b c = rand()

The macro is particularly useful for batch assignment of array to several variables:

@all A B C = zeros(2, 3) # case 1

The above is NOT the same as the following:

A = B = C = zeros(2, 3) # case 2

since changing the elements in one of the array in case 2 will affect the others (Julia arrays are assigned by reference).

The @all macro also supports compound assignments such as +=, -=, *=, and /= (and also the broadcasted ones). This allows you to update multiple variables simultaneously:

@all a b c += 1

For more examples, please refer to runtest.jl in the test folder.


  • Conciseness: Reduce multiple lines of assignments to a single line.
  • Readability: Enhance code readability by minimizing repetitive assignment lines.
  • Efficiency: Simplify the process of initializing multiple variables to the same value.

Enjoy the simplicity of batch assignments with @all!

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