
VoxelModel.jl is a Julia module for creating, manipulating, and visualizing 3D voxel geometries.
Author akjake616
0 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
June 2024


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VoxelModel.jl is a Julia module for creating, manipulating, and visualizing 3D voxel geometries. It provides functionalities to create geometric shapes, add or delete them from a voxel grid, and visualize the grid using PlotlyJS.jl and PlotlyGeometries.jl. This project is dedicated to (hopefully) easy model creation in FDTD/PSTD simulations.



To install VoxelModel.jl, use the following command in the Julia REPL:

using Pkg

Learn by Examples

Please go to the examples folder for quick understanding of how to use the module:

  • ex_basics.jl: This example code illustrates the basic functionalities of the module.

  • ex_rotation.jl: See how rotation works.

  • ex_advanced.jl: Create more complicated geometries. This example demonstrates the creation of a sphere hollowd by cylinders. The voxel space is saved as a JLD file.

  • ex_load.jl: Load voxel space from JLD file and perform further editing.

  • ex_assign.jl: Assign grid array to the voxel space.


Please refer to the user manual in the docs folder.

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