
Batched operations and array types in Julia
Author Roger-luo
6 Stars
Updated Last
4 Years Ago
Started In
October 2018


Build Status

BatchedArrays in Julia.

**This package is not functional for now, please use the BatchedRoutines.jl for now.

Warning: this is still under its early stage, use at your own risk.

Batched Arrays

BatchedArray is like an Array of Arrays, but with contiguous storage in memory, so we could do some optimization based on that.

julia> A = BatchedArray(rand(2, 3, 10));

julia> B = BatchedArray(rand(3, 2, 10));

julia> eltype(A)
Element{Float64,2,P} where P

And with Julia's broadcast, this will just work:

julia> A .* B
10-element BatchedArray{Float64,2,1,Array{Float64,3}}:
 [0.947403 1.40625; 0.869711 0.848727] 
 [0.555413 0.699582; 0.465844 0.871226]
 [0.38841 0.381471; 0.551932 0.309496] 
 [0.93626 0.408086; 0.880168 0.311356] 
 [1.49227 0.941464; 1.26334 0.804171]  
 [1.08533 0.536161; 0.468115 0.188942] 
 [0.434965 0.813795; 0.367398 0.264233]
 [0.302816 0.990396; 0.674112 0.966444]
 [0.626944 0.89332; 1.30737 1.82809]   
 [0.582451 1.23067; 0.889868 1.36178]

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