
Reusable components for CUDA API development.
Author JuliaGPU
16 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
August 2017

CUDAapi.jl: DEPRECATED, use CUDA.jl instead!

Reusable components for CUDA development.

Build Status Coverage

This package provides some reusable functionality for working with CUDA or NVIDIA APIs. It is intended for package developers, and does not provide concrete application functionality.



To check if a CUDA GPU is available, CUDAapi provides and exports the has_cuda and has_cuda_gpu functions. These functions are useful to query whether you will be able to import a package that requires CUDA to be available, such as CuArrays.jl (CUDAapi.jl itself will always import without an error):

using CUDAapi # this will NEVER fail
if has_cuda()
        using CuArrays # we have CUDA, so this should not fail
    catch ex
        # something is wrong with the user's set-up (or there's a bug in CuArrays)
        @warn "CUDA is installed, but CuArrays.jl fails to load" exception=(ex,catch_backtrace())


The file src/discovery.jl defines helper methods for discovering the NVIDIA driver and CUDA toolkit, as well as some more generic methods to find libraries and binaries relative to, e.g., the location of the driver or toolkit.


The file src/compatibility.jl contains hard-coded databases with software and hardware compatibility information that cannot be queried from APIs.


CUDA version update

When a new version of CUDA is released, CUDAapi.jl needs to be updated accordingly:

  • discovery.jl: update the cuda_versions dictionary
  • compatibility.jl: update each _db variable (refer to the comments for more info)
  • travis.linux and travis.osx: provide a link to the installers
  • appveyor.ps1: provide a link to the installer, and list the components that need to be installed
  • travis.yml and appveyor.yml: add the version to the CI rosters

GCC version update

Update the gcc_major_versions and gcc_minor_versions ranges in discovery.jl to cover the new version.

Required Packages

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