Circulant-Sparse Attention (CircAtt) performs Query-Key-Value scaled attention with a sliding-window mask,
Sliding-window based attention may be preferable to patch-based attention by not producing boundary artifacts and always centering similarity computations on the pixel of interest. Our implementation is only CUDA compatible (no CPU compat.), and,
- Has a fast implementation with custom CUDA kernels.
- Is fully differentiable.
- Allows multi-head attention.
- Supports dot-product similarity and distance similarity (L2).
- Supports complex-valued tensors.
- NOTE: window-size is restricted to ODD NUMBERs for the time being. This means the window is evenly centered on the key pixel.
CirculantAttention.jl is based on CUDA.jl's CuSparseArrayCSR object, which allows multi-dimensional sparse arrays in the compressed-sparse-row format.
using CUDA
using NNlib # for softmax
using CirculantAttention # aliased to CircAtt
H, W, C, B = 128, 96, 64, 2
ws, nheads = 15, 4
q = CUDA.randn(H, W, C, B) # HWCB
k = CUDA.randn(H, W, C, B) # HWCB
v = CUDA.randn(H, W, C, B) # HWCB
Compute circulant attention with latent (image-)tensors q, k, v, with a window-size of ws
y, A = circulant_attention(q, k, v, ws) # defaults to dot-product attention
y, A = circulant_attention(DotSimilarity(), q, k, v, ws) # manutally set to dot-product attention
y, A = circulant_attention(DistanceSimilarity(), q, k, v, ws)
size(y) # (H, W, C, 2)
size(A) # (12288, 12288, 1, 2) == (HW, HW, 1, B)
This returns the output tensor (y
) and adjacency matrix (A
is equivalent to performing scaled circulant similarity followed by normalization
and application of the attention matrix,
t = sqrt(size(q, 3))
S = circulant_similarity(DistanceSimilarity(), q ./ sqrt(t), k ./ sqrt(t), ws)
Circulant{Float32, 4, 15, 2, CUDA.CUSPARSE.CuSparseArrayCSR{Float32, Int32, 4}} with kernel-length 15, spatial-size (128, 96), and data,
12288×12288×1×2 CUDA.CUSPARSE.CuSparseArrayCSR{Float32, Int32, 4} with 5529600 stored entries:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
[:, :, 1, 2] =
B = NNlib.softmax(S)
u = B ⊗ v # \otimes, equivalent to u = circulant_attention(A, v)
u ≈ y # true
We can additionally perform multi-head attention,
y, A = circulant_mh_attention(DotSimilarity(), q, k, v, ws, nheads)
size(y) # (H, W, C, B)
size(A) # (HW, HW, nheads, B)
and addition and broadcasted multiplication with Circulant matrices,
u, B = circulant_mh_attention(DotSimilarity(), y, y, y, ws, nheads)
m = CUDA.randn(1, 1, 4, 2) # (1, 1, nheads, B)
C = A + m*B
w = C ⨷ u # \Otimes, circulant multihead attention
size(w) # HWCB
Circulant matrices can also be summed along dimensions,
sum(C; dims=1) # (1, HW, nheads, B)
sum(C; dims=2) # (HW, 1, nheads, B)
sum(C; dims=3) # (HW, HW, 1, B)
sum(C; dims=4) # (HW, HW, nheads, 1)
and concatendated (when sensible),
D = cat(A, B; dims=3) # (HW, HW, 2nheads, B)
See src/array.jl
for more details.