
A Julia package supplying abstractions and operations for efficiently working with parcels, or regions of interest, on a CorticalSurface
Author myersm0
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2023


This Julia package supplies a set of tools for conveniently and efficiently working with parcels, or regions of interest, in the context of the surface-space representation of the cerebral cortex. It builds upon the Hemisphere and CorticalSurface types (with supertype SurfaceSpace) from CorticalSurfaces.jl and provides the foundation for my implementation of an important parcel-generation and -evaluation method in WatershedParcellation.jl. The functions supplied are based on MATLAB code developed at Washington University by Tim Laumann and Evan Gordon from their 2016 paper "Generation and Evaluation of a Cortical Area Parcellation from Resting-State Correlations.".

A Parcel is a discrete region of interest on the cortical surface, and in this implementation is stored internally as a BitVector of vertices where each element denotes membership (true or false). The total length of that vector constitutes the surface-space representation in which the parcel is defined. The size of a parcel size(p::Parcel) is given as the number of non-zero elements of that vector, i.e. the number of vertices belonging to that parcel. This implementation was chosen to enable very fast performance of common operations such as getting the size, computing overlap with other parcels, dilating and eroding, etc, by reducing them internally to simple bitwise operations.

A parcellation is a collection of Parcels that all share the same space. It's typically the case that the parcels within it are non-overlapping, but nothing in this implementation enforces that.

As of version 0.7, the former Parcellation type has been replaced by HemisphericParcellation, which is functionally equivalent. It's been reanmed to distinguish it from the new BilateralParcellation struct, which provides the capability of dealing with both hemispheres at the same time. Currently BilateralParcellation is available only as a convenient container and constructor for its left and right component HemisphericParcellations; it has little functionality beyond that yet, so for the moment you can use it to store the hemispheres and then you'll have to manage iteration over the hemispheres yourself in order to do some work on each of them individually.

The HemisphericParcellation struct contains two fields:

  • surface: a Hemisphere supplying details of the geometry (particularly, the size of the space) that all its component Parcels must conform to
    • (if however the geometry is not of interest in your application, then a dummy surface can be created by, for example, Hemisphere(32492) where the only piece of information that's strictly required is the number of vertices, 32492 in this case)
  • parcels: a Dict{T, Parcel} mapping keys of type T to parcels, where T can be any type (preferably one for which a zero(::T) method is defined) that you want to use as keys for accessing and labeling individual parcels

Rather than having to create the parcel dictionaries yourself, I anticipate that a parcellation will most often be initialized via its BilateralParcellation(surface::SurfaceSpace, x::Vector{T}) constructor, since the Vector{T} representation is probably the way you read in an existing parcellation from disk, e.g. from a CIFTI file. See the Usage section below.

A parcellation (either hemispheric or bilateral) can be mapped back to a vanilla Vector{T} representation if desired via vec(px::AbstractParcellation).

Some notation notes: in the following documentation and in demos, p, p1, p2 will refer to individual parcels; and px will refer to a whole parcellation.


The performance is going to depend on several factors. The benchmarks below are based on using a single-hemisphere parcellation of 185 parcels, in a space of 32492 vertices, and compares the current BitVector-based implementation to an alternative using SparseVectors as well as to a naive Vector{Int} representation (simply a list of vertex index numbers).

  • Adding or removing vertices to/from a Parcel. This is where the current implementation shines most, via operations like union!(p1::Parcel, p2::Parcel) and analogous calls to setdiff! and intersect!.
  • Computing the amount of overlap of two Parcels. This is fast because it reduces to just taking the dot product of their respective membership vectors.
  • Checking the size of a Parcel. This is the only case where the current implementation lags behind alternatives.
  • Checking a Parcellation for unassigned values. This is relatively "slow" compared to Parcel-level operations supplied. But it should be infrequent enough that it doesn't matter much; and the present BitVector is still faster than alternatives.
intersect!(p1, p2) overlap(p1, p2 size(p) unassigned(px)
BitVector 85 ns 108 ns 104 ns 22000 ns
SparseVector 3047 ns 812 ns 83 ns 39000 ns
Vector 7692 ns 49110 ns 9 ns 1024000 ns

While the need to compute the size of a parcel is indeed a common operation and we'd like it to be as fast as possible, this implementation's considerable advantage in the other basic operations should still make it the clear frontrunner in most use cases.

If we assume for simplicity that the above operations occur equally often, the SparseVector implementation (used in this package version 0.1.0 only) achieves a 25x speedup relative to the naive case, and the present BitVector implementation (package version 0.2+) achieves a 48x speedup relative to the same. If we ignore the unassigned(px) call, the current implementation improves to a 191x speedup over baseline.


Within Julia:

using Pkg


A full demo of the basic functionality can be found in examples/demo.jl.

The package CorticalSurfaces.jl provides the definitions of Hemisphere and CorticalSurface types (and their supertype SurfaceSpace), on which many of the operations in this package depend. So first of all, load both packages and create a Hemisphere struct that will define the vertex space. At a minimum, you need to specify the number of vertices in that space, for example 32492; but see CorticalSurfaces.jl for further details.

using CorticalSurfaces
using CorticalParcels

hem = Hemisphere(32492) # create a Hemisphere of 32492 vertices that will define the space


Once a Hemisphere has been created (we'll call it hem here), the following are two basic ways in which to initialize a Parcel::

Parcel(hem)                  # create an empty parcel within the same space as `hem`
Parcel(hem, [5, 6, 7])       # create a parcel with 3 vertices within the same space as `hem`

A HemisphericParcellation can be initialized in several ways, such as:

hem = Hemisphere(32492)            # create a Hemisphere of 39492 vertices
HemisphericParcellation{Int}(hem)  # create an empty parcellation within that space

# as above, but this time fill the space with 10 randomly assigned parcels
HemisphericParcellation{Int}(hem, rand(1:10, 32492))

The above examples use Int as the initialization parameter, and this defines the type of key that will be assigned to each parcel. Any type should be usable, however, provided that its typemax can represent the largest value you anticipate needing to store. You could use String keys, for example, if you want to provide descriptive labels for your parcels and index them in that way.


unassigned(px::HemisphericParcellation) may be used to dynamically determine the elements in the vector space that are not assigned to any parcel.

vec(px::AbstractParcellation) will reduce the parcellation to a single Vector{T}. If you constructed px from a Vector{T} (and have not changed any of its elements), this operation should return that same vector.

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