
Import Dolo models from a YAML file.
Author EconForge
0 Stars
Updated Last
12 Months Ago
Started In
July 2023


Import Dolo models from a YAML file.

To import one of the example models:

using DoloYAML

model = DoloYAML.yaml_import("examples/rbc_mc.yaml")

# recover steadystate vectors
m,s,x,p = model.calibration[:exogenous, :states, :controls, :parameters]

# compute state transition according to equation defined in file
S = DoloYAML.transition(m,s,x,m,p)

For the accepted syntax, see the Dolo documentation.

Developer note

DoloYAML.jl was formerly part of the Dolo.jl package. It is packaged out in the hope of reducing dependency complexity.

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