
A julia interface for accessing the ExodusII data format
Author cmhamel
2 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
March 2022

CI codecov.io


A julia interface for accessing the ExodusII data format for large scale finite element simulations. The C library is directly called through julia ccalls.


From the package manager simply type

add Exodus


The main dependency is Exodus_jll which has a build process that is still being worked out due to evolving changes in NetCDF_jll, HDF5_jll, and LibCURL_jll.

Read Example

To read in an exodusII file (typically has a .e or .exo extension) simply do the following

exo = ExodusDatabase("/path-to-file/file.e", "r")

This returns an ExodusDatabase container which has a single field "exo" that is a file id for this now opened exodusII database in "r" i.e. read only format. The purpose of the container is to attached various types for multiple dispatch later on as the exodusII format can switch between data types for various fields such as element connectivity in Int32 or Int64 format or nodal variables in floats or doubles.

For more useful methods, one can fetch the blocks of elements as follows which contains connectivity information for different blocks of elements useful for grouping materials

block_ids = read_block_ids(exo)
blocks = read_blocks(exo, block_ids)

For boundary conditions one can grab the nodes with the following commands

nset_ids = read_node_set_ids(exo)
nsets = read_node_sets(exo, nset_ids)

Full code example:

using Exodus
exo = ExodusDatabase("../path-to-file/file.e", "r") # read only format
coords    = read_coordinates(exo) # matrix of n_nodes x n_dim
block_ids = read_block_ids(exo)
blocks    = read_blocks(exo, block_ids) # contains connectivity information
nset_ids  = read_node_set_ids(exo)
nsets     = read_node_sets(exo, nset_ids) # contains nodes on boundaries
close(exo) # cleanup

Write Example

Coming soon...

Used By Packages