
JuliaFEM bindings to Materials.jl
Author JuliaFEM
1 Star
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
September 2018


Computational material model bindings to JuliaFEM. The JuliaFEM compability of the materials is to be tested in this package. Here is one usage example. Note this README file is generated edit readme_header.txt instead

3D Beam with ideal plastic material model from Materials.jl

using JuliaFEM, FEMMaterials, Materials, FEMBase, LinearAlgebra, Plots
import FEMMaterials: Continuum3D, MecaMatSo
pkg_dir = dirname(dirname(pathof(FEMMaterials)))

Let's read the discretized geometry and create boundary conditions

File plactic_beam.inp is created with 3rd party meshing tool. File contains surface sets BC1, BC2 and PRESSURE as well element set Body1

mesh = abaqus_read_mesh(joinpath(pkg_dir,"examples","data_3dbeam","plastic_beam.inp"))
beam_elements = create_elements(mesh, "Body1")
bc_elements_1 = create_nodal_elements(mesh, "BC1")
bc_elements_2 = create_nodal_elements(mesh, "BC2")
trac_elements = create_surface_elements(mesh, "PRESSURE")

for j in 1:3
    update!(bc_elements_1, "displacement $j", 0.0)
update!(bc_elements_2, "displacement 1", 0.0)
update!(bc_elements_2, "displacement 2", 0.0)
update!(trac_elements, "surface pressure", 0.0 => 0.00)
update!(trac_elements, "surface pressure", 1.0 => 2.70)
trac = Problem(Continuum3D, "traction", 3)
bc = Problem(Dirichlet, "fix displacement", 3, "displacement")
add_elements!(trac, trac_elements)
add_elements!(bc, bc_elements_1)
add_elements!(bc, bc_elements_2)

Next, we set the material properties for each element set

In this example we only have the one element set Body1 in variable beam_elements

update!(beam_elements, "youngs_modulus", 200.0e3)
update!(beam_elements, "poissons_ratio", 0.3)
update!(beam_elements, "yield_stress", 100.0)

beam = Problem(Continuum3D, "plastic beam", 3)
beam.properties.material_model = :IdealPlastic
add_elements!(beam, beam_elements)

And next, we setup the analysis

t0, t1, and dt are the start time, end time, and time step respectively.

analysis = Analysis(MecaMatSo, "solve problem")
analysis.properties.max_iterations = 50
analysis.properties.t0 = 0.0
analysis.properties.t1 = 1.0
analysis.properties.dt = 0.05

Writing the results needs to be setup as well

xdmf = Xdmf("3dbeam_results_output"; overwrite=true)
add_results_writer!(analysis, xdmf)

Finally, adding the problems together and running the analysis

All earlier defined problems are added together. Also result file need to be closed to flush everything from the writing buffer to the file.

add_problems!(analysis, beam, trac, bc)

The first post-processing step is to calculate maximum von Mises stresses

vmis contains all integration points stresses and vmis_ just the maximum. Let's plot the maximum von Mises stress as a function of time

tim = 0.0:0.05:1.0
vmis_ = []
for t in tim
    vmis = []
    for element in beam_elements
        for ip in get_integration_points(element)
            s11, s22, s33, s12, s23, s31 = ip("stress", t)
            push!(vmis, sqrt(1/2*((s11-s22)^2 + (s22-s33)^2 + (s33-s11)^2 + 6*(s12^2+s23^2+s31^2))))
    push!(vmis_, maximum(vmis))

![max_vonmises_stress_as_a_function_of_time][vonmises] [vonmises]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JuliaFEM/FEMMaterials.jl/master/notebooks/max_vonmises_stress_as_a_function_of_time.png

The second post-processing step is to collect displacements

Here as an example node number 96 second degree of freedom displacement is extracted.

u2_96 = []
for t in tim
    push!(u2_96, beam("displacement", t)[96][2])

![node_96_displacement_as_a_function_of_time][displacement] [displacement]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JuliaFEM/FEMMaterials.jl/master/notebooks/node_96_displacement_as_a_function_of_time.png

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