
Zeros of Bessel J and Y functions
Author JuliaMath
6 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
April 2015


Zeros of the Bessel J and Y functions

Build Status Coverage Status Aqua QA JET QA

This module provides a function to compute the zeros of the Bessel J and K functions, that is Bessel functions of the first and second kind.

besselj_zero(nu, n)

besselj_zero(nu, n)

Return the nth zero of the the Bessel J function of order nu. The returned type has the same type as nu.

FunctionZeros.besselj_zero_asymptotic(nu, n)

Asymptotic formula for the nth zero fo the the Bessel J function of order nu.

besselj_zero_asymptotic(nu, n)

bessely_zero(nu, n)

bessely_zero(nu, n)

Return the nth zero of the the Bessel Y function of order nu. The returned type has the same type as nu.

FunctionZeros.bessely_zero_asymptotic(nu, n)

Asymptotic formula for the nth zero fo the the Bessel Y function of order nu.

bessely_zero_asymptotic(nu, n)