
A unified interface for simulating and evaluating sequential sampling models in Julia.
Author itsdfish
27 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
December 2020



This package provides a unified interface for simulating and evaluating sequential sampling models (SSMs) in Julia. SSMs describe decision making as a stochastic and dynamic evidence accumulation process in which a decision is triggered by the option whose evidence hits a decision treshold first.

Feature Overview

A summary of the core features is provided below. Please see the documentation for more information.

Supported Models

The following SSMs are supported:

Single Choice Models

Multi-Choice Models

Single Attribute


Alternative Geometries


The core API consists of the following

  • rand: generate simulated data
  • pdf: evaluate the probability density of the data
  • logpdf: evaluate the log probability density of the data
  • simulate: generate samples from the internal evidence accumulation process

Ecosystem Integration

SSMs work with the following packages (and possibly more):


You can install a stable version of SequentialSamplingModels by running the following in the Julia REPL:

] add SequentialSamplingModels

Quick Example

In the example below, we instantiate a Linear Ballistic Accumulator (LBA) model, and generate data from it.

using SequentialSamplingModels

# Create LBA distribution with known parameters
dist = LBA(; ν=[2.75,1.75], A=0.8, k=0.5, τ=0.25)
# Sample 1000 random data points from this distribution
choice, rt = rand(dist, 1000)