
GCP BigQuery APIs in Julia.
Author rana
31 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
April 2019


Google Cloud Platform (GCP) APIs for the Julia programming language.

Currently supports BigQuery.

using GCP
using GCP.Bigquery

CredentialFilename = expanduser("~/secrets/your-project.json")

p = GCP.Project(CredentialFilename, ["cloud-platform"])
dataset = Bigquery.Dataset()
dataset.datasetReference = Bigquery.DatasetReference()
dataset.datasetReference.datasetId = "your-dataset"
res = p.bigquery.datasets.insert(dataset)

@info res

See tests for more example calls.

A 100% Julia implementation. Not reliant on command line installation of Google Cloud SDK or Python 2 (which Google Cloud SDK requires).

Auto-generated from Google API Discovery Service.

More APIs possible on (pull) request.

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