
Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL
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Simple geographical vector interaction built on top of ArchGDAL. Inspiration from geopandas.

Some basic examples without explanation follow here, for a complete overview, please check the documentation.


]add GeoDataFrames


There's no special type here. You just use normal DataFrames with a Vector of ArchGDAL geometries as a column.


import GeoDataFrames as GDF
df ="test_points.shp")
10×2 DataFrame
 Row │ geometry            name
     │ IGeometr           String
   1 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   2 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   3 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   4 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   5 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   6 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   7 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   8 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
   9 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test
  10 │ Geometry: wkbPoint  test

You can also specify the layer index or layer name in opening, useful if there are multiple layers:"test_points.shp", 0)"test_points.shp", "test_points")

Any keywords arguments are passed on to the underlying ArchGDAL read function:"test.csv", options=["GEOM_POSSIBLE_NAMES=point,linestring", "KEEP_GEOM_COLUMNS=NO"])


using DataFrames

coords = zip(rand(10), rand(10))
df = DataFrame(geometry=createpoint.(coords), name="test");
GDF.write("test_points.shp", df)

You can also set options such as the layer_name, coordinate reference system, the driver and its options:

import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
GDF.write("test_points.shp", df; layer_name="data", crs=GFT.EPSG(4326), driver="FlatGeoBuf", options=Dict("SPATIAL_INDEX"=>"YES"))

Note that any Tables.jl compatible table with GeoInterface.jl compatible geometries can be written by GeoDataFrames. You might want to pass which column(s) contain geometries, or by defining GeoInterface.geometrycolumns on your table. Multiple geometry columns, when enabled by the driver, can be provided in this way.

table = [(; geom=AG.createpoint(1.0, 2.0), name="test")]
GDF.write(tfn, table; geom_columns=(:geom,),)


The supported operations are the ArchGDAL operations that are exported again to work on Vectors of geometries as well. Hence, if you can apply all the ArchGDAL operations yourself.

df.geom = buffer(df.geom, 10);  # points turn into polygons
10×2 DataFrame
 Row │ geometry              name
     │ IGeometr             String
   1 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   2 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   3 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   4 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   5 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   6 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   7 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   8 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
   9 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test
  10 │ Geometry: wkbPolygon  test


import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
df.geometry = reproject(df.geometry, GFT.EPSG(4326), GFT.EPSG(28992))
10-element Vector{ArchGDAL.IGeometry{ArchGDAL.wkbPolygon}}:
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-472026.042542408 -4406233.59953401,-537 ... 401))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-417143.506054105 -4395423.99277048,-482 ... 048))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-450303.142569437 -4301418.89063867,-515 ... 867))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-434522.645535154 -4351075.81124634,-500 ... 634))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-443909.665585927 -4412565.43193349,-509 ... 349))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-438405.666500747 -4299366.23767677,-503 ... 677))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-400588.951193713 -4365333.532287,-46626 ... 287))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-409160.489179734 -4388484.98554538,-474 ... 538))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-453963.150526169 -4408927.89965336,-519 ... 336))
 Geometry: POLYGON ((-498317.413693272 -4321687.31588764,-563 ... 764))


using Plots


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