
Tools to pick data in an interactive manner
Author JuliaGeodynamics
4 Stars
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
December 2022


Interpreting 3D geological and geophysical data in a consistent manner is non-straightforward. The GeophysicalModelGenerator package provides a number of useful tools to combine and visualize datasets. GeoDataPicker is a web-based graphical user interface build on top of GMG, which allows creating interactive interpretations from such data.

The main features are:

  • Import volumetric data (e.g., seismic tomography), surfaces (e.g., Moho depth), points (e.g., earthquake), topography or screenshots from published papers from remote or local locations.
  • Switch easily between different datasets (e.g., different tomography models).
  • Interactively add your interpretation to profiles through the datasets (e.g. top of the European or Appenninic slabs).
  • Visualize your interpretations in 3D.

1. Getting started


Start with opening julia (version >1.9)

julia> ]
pkg> add GeoDataPicker
pkg> instantiate

Start the GUI

julia> using GeoDataPicker
julia> GMG_TomoData()
[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1

Now you can open the address in your favorite webbrowser (e.g., Safari), which should look something like:

start_GUI Hit the green buton, and the data will be loaded. Next, you can switch to the Cross-sections tab and start interpreting profiles. After a while, this could look like:


And finally, you can look at the data in 3D:
