
Methods for the manipulation of geometric data, grid generation, and visualization formatting.
Author byuflowlab
11 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
November 2017


Methods for the manipulation of geometric data, grid generation, and visualization formatting.

Pic here

Pic here

Pic here

See docs for code documentation and examples for usage examples.


GeometricTools is in the official Julia registry, so it can be installed directly from the package manager:

] add GeometricTools


  • Paraview : Not needed, but examples call Paraview for visualization of outputs. Installing through apt-get install paraview is not recommended since it may have troubles linking the python libraries, instead follow the official Paraview.

Extra Setup Instructions for MacOS

  • Every example in examples/ call Paraview from the command line as a Julia command wrapper of the form run(``paraview``), requiring Paraview to be accessible from the command line. If you installed Paraview as a precompiled application, Paraview is not accessible from the command line unless you add it into the system path. To do so, add this line to your .bash_profile:
    export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/
    , where must be replaced by the version you have installed. To verify that Paraview has correctly been added to the system path, opening a new terminal and typing paraview should open up a new Paraview process.
